What is the Meaning & Definition of management

Uses of the word
A company, business, trade, they will always require an administration that makes them go, i.e., a business of selling clothes depends on sales of garments made to earn dividend but also super important that dispose of adequate, consistent and balanced management to make that business successful and generates profitability.
Because it should be noted that many times the success or failure of a company depends on its administrative management is efficient.
Tested is that although many times sales records but not a correct management, businesses fail.
On the other hand, there are issues, issues that require a series of formalities to be resolved by its complexity or its relevance. And this also he is referred to as management.
Through a management be held various errands, paperwork, which will lead to the achievement of a given objective, a business or a desire that takes long time in folder, as it is popularly.
Also and at the same time, management will have to lead, govern, arrange, organize and sort in order to achieve the proposed objectives.
It is clear that management is a task that will require much conscience, effort, resources and goodwill to be carried out satisfactorily.
Management, then, may be directed to solve a specific problem, to realize a project, a desire, but can also refer to the direction and management carried out in a company, an organization, a business, and even at the Government level, is common to the task that the Government of a particular country takes place also called as management.
Management realized
Management can be materialized in various fields and contexts, meanwhile, we can find different types of management, depending on the context in which to develop, thus appear social management, project management, knowledge management and environmental management.
Social management, is one that is occupied to build various spaces for social interaction and overcoming those problems or obstacles which arise in communities and which prevent the normal functioning and existence of some groups. Where there is poverty, lack of education it is essential that appears the hand of social management who will be responsible to implement some policies that translate into inclusion and opportunities for the poor. Bring them to the possibility of a home, a job and attending school so they can get the same chances of progress than the rest of the individuals included.
On the other hand, project management, is responsible for managing and organizing the resources with the clear objective that can realize all the work that requires a project within the scheduled time and with the resources that are available, no more, no less.
On the other hand, the knowledge management, a matter of widespread at the organizational level of the organizations, since it will be the transfer of precisely the knowledge and experience between the members that make up the organization. Thus knowledge is still a resource available to all members of the same and not only for a few.
Many times, the typical competition arising in the workplace watchful against this point which has to do with the transmission of knowledge and experience in carrying out certain tasks. Some workers fear tell or teach other colleagues what they know for fear of losing his job or consideration. And it is in this that just has to work this area, in generating that nobody have this feeling.
And finally appears environmental management, task so vital when it comes to life, since it refers to the set of measures dedicated to the management of the environmental system based on sustainable development. Through this, all those activities will be organized to give a community the best quality of life possible.
Environmental management will not only fit you deal with the conservation of the environment, taking care hence those organisms and vegetation native resources such as air, water, soil health, but it must also devise the conditions that contribute to economic development and social progress of the population.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.