What is the Meaning & Definition of Marketing of services

At the request of the Marketing, services Marketing, is that branch of the discipline that deals exclusively with goods and services in regards to the promotion for best marketing.
Note that within the area of Marketing you identify services to those activities that can be identified, are intangible and turn out to be the primary purpose of a transaction that takes place with the Mission of providing satisfaction to the consumer.
Taking into account the aforementioned is that there are specific strategies to promote services for the performance and the expected benefit of them within a market and then, this question will take care to the area in Marketing called as Marketing of services.
The primordial characteristics that hold services include the following: intangibility, perishability, inseparability, property and heterogeneity, meanwhile, is that you must split any type of commercial strategy.
What most makes a dent in this sense is the intangibility of services feature, since they cannot see, smell or hear, among other alternatives, and so such State of things does that complicate the selection of offers by the customer; and also the impossibility of storage, or their perishability, turns out to be one of the stumbling blocks to which the marketing of services should overlap. Business strategies, obviously, should be directed in the direction of streamlining these complications.
Trade secret, no doubt, will be on the correct positioning of the service in the market in which marketed it is and such question is plausible for it making it desirable, compatible and relevant for the market to which it is directed. Also, differentiation with respect to the competition, i.e. do consumers perceive it as unique in its category will help choose to, or failing that the recommendation in the environment and fidelity to the service once elected.