What is the Meaning & Definition of migrant

Referred to migrant as an individual who moves from a geographical area to another, situation which involves a change in the Customs and a process of readjustment to the new circumstances. The concept of migrant can also apply to the Member of a species of animal that changes its habitat. In the first case, i.e., with respect to the human realities, science responsible for their study is called demographics; in the second case, i.e., with respect to the behavior of animals, to study science is ecology.
While there are migrations from the appearance of the human being on the face of the Earth, it is possible to talk about processes of large migratory flows associated with major events in the history of mankind: about nine thousand years ago and during the revolution Neolithic I created the development of agriculture, there were large displacements in Africa, Asia, Europe and America; the formation of the great empires of antiquity resulted in the formation of colonies with the consequent human flow; conflicts between feuds during the feudal regime led to a human migration bellicose purposes; processes colonizers during the modern age (as for example North America) were also mobilizing great human masses; the industrial revolution resulted in the transfer of population from rural to urban areas; the great European emigration of the first half of the 20th century led large numbers of poor Europeans to many countries of the Americas.
A new migration process of great magnitude that began from the mid-20th century and which consists in the existence of a large number of migrants who leave peripheral countries and move into core countries are currently lives. This phenomenon has worried the authorities of the affected countries, many of them belonging to the European Union.