What is the Meaning & Definition of normality

It is never easy to define what is normal or what is the quality of normal. In specific terms, we can say that normal is everything that fits the parameters correctly established for certain phenomena, people or lifestyles. Normal, then, will be the existence of elements adjusted to those parameters and normal.
Usually, the notion of normality applies to situations, events or phenomena related to the society. This, however, is peculiar since when have of social issues is extremely difficult to define what is normal and what not, unlike what happens with nature or the observable empirically. At the same time, today's societies are so rich and diverse in its interior that is impossible to conceive of normal parameters must recognize differences and variables for each reality.
On the other hand, when it comes to empirical phenomena such as physicists, chemists, and the biological, normal parameters are much easier to define that in the first case. Thus, for this type of phenomena science established a number of elements characteristic seen in the majority of cases. Once established these parameters, each future observation may result more or less normal variables or elements. For example, when looking at an animal feed, is considered that there are normal parameters as this herbivore, carnivore or omnivore.
The normal parameters are, without a doubt, an artificial invention of the human being to sort and organize the world that surrounds it. As we have said, many aspects of the daily life of human beings are not, however, so easily definable because they are not the representation of the idea of 'stimulus-response' if they are not much more complex than that.