What is the Meaning & Definition of official

The official word has an extended usage in our language and as such we use it to account for various issues.
Everything comes from the State or one public body, for example, a document, a title, an Act, among others, is it designated as official. For example, it is that this term is in close relation to the public and is normal then that the concepts of public and official are used as synonyms.
The official word is also used to refer to what has the backing and the recognition of the State or any agency or organization that has the power to authorize it.
On the other hand, in the past and at the behest of the medieval guilds, in those trades which were characterized by the use of manual, used to be referred to as official to that person who is now complete the stage of learning, although it is not yet master. Official bakery.
Also in Canon law we find a reference to this word, being the officer a judge that his position will have canonical issues and situations.
And in the military field is where we find ourselves using a hyper extended this word that we are concerned, since thus refers to the military that has a grade ranging from the Ensign or second lieutenant to anyone else who is ahead, even the captain, either in the armed forces of a nation or the security forces.
Meanwhile, officer grade is obtained after successfully fulfilling learning in a military school. You can differentiate them officials both the degree and the position they occupy in the military hierarchy.
Its main functions include the make guide staff occupied a lower rank and also to give them orders and instruction to these.
Although normally it are often confused with the non-commissioned officer, worth mentioning is that the latter is hierarchically in an intermediate position between the officers and the troop.