What is the Meaning & Definition of pen

Pen is an element that is part of the body of all birds, flying these or not, and which serves to cover your skin from cold, wind, water or other elements of the environment, enabling them to better protect themselves. Feathers can be found in the bird in several layers, being the thicker outer and smooth internal, even having variations in color between the layers. Each pen is altogether what is known as plumage that, depending on the animal, the time of year, nervous States, etc. can change and be replaced by a new plumage gradually. In the science that studies the animals, zoology, the plumage is regarded as one of the existing tegumentarios systems. Integumentary system is one that covers the body of an animal to isolate it and protect internal organs from the external environment. One of these tegumentarios systems is the plumage and an animal completely remove the set of feathers can certainly expose it to a myriad of complications such as illnesses, infections, etc. Replacement of feathers occurs naturally in the body of the animal, but progressively. Similarly, when an animal is exposed to changes in their feathers suffers in the same way that makes it a human being when your skin is affected. In this sense, a very characteristic example are the birds empetroladas that suffer significant damage to their plumage and which you can see opposing infections or even suffocation by the presence of material oil on their bodies. The feathers are composed of thousands of follicles (hair species) that are very close together and that protect the body from external agents. Each pen contains a rigid base, which is where it joins the body and a set of follicles plumaceas and feathery follicles. The first are those who remain closed and United and the second are those that are closer to the base and which are more open and messy. One of the most interesting elements of the feathers is that there are not two equal, in the same way that, for human beings, there is no equal fingerprints. While each animal or each species remains similar features in terms of color, shape, length, the thickness of the follicles, etc., the truth is that the feathers are different each other. Together they make that an animal can differentiate from each other from the tones, colors, etc.