What is the Meaning & Definition of physician

We use the medical word in two senses. On the one hand, it refers to everything that associated or own medicine, which is the discipline that deals with the study of the human body, conditions that normally attack him and the both way to cure them and prevent them.
And on the other hand, the individual who exercised the aforementioned activity of medicine is called a doctor. It should be noted that for serving as such, the person must have served satisfactorily all the theory and practice involved in medicine issued by such or which College.
The doctor is particularly concerned to maintain the health of their patients and also recover it in those cases that is affected or complicated. To meet this the doctor examines each case in particular and is normally accompanied by: examination of the patient in question and also indicates specific studies according to the medical condition that manifests itself.
Once it gathers detailed information about the condition, the doctor will tell a treatment to again regain optimal health status.
Depending on each situation and the seriousness of the cases you can use surgical practices, prescription drugs, among other alternatives.
It should be noted that the doctor is one of the professionals who most require, by its committed activity, a formation of continuous type, that is, after the formation of rigor stipulated, it is necessary that the physician follow acquiring knowledge about new pathologies, new methods of treatment for one disease, among others. I.e. throughout his professional life, the doctor must be absorbing new knowledge in their field, because as we know medicine advances much as technology and science.
One of the most popular synonyms of the word physician is the doctor.
Such is the importance of this profession that there is an annual day to pay tribute to all those individuals who decide to pursue this career that is occupied and concerned primarily treat patients or at least alleviate the suffering illness product and is on 3 December. This date was established in the year 1946 by the Pan American medical Confederation, in homage to the day he was born the Cuban doctor Carlos Juan Finlay and Barrés, who discovered the virus that triggers the yellow fever.