What is the Meaning & Definition of probation

The concept of parole is a concept taken from the area of law that is used to refer to those cases in which the crime or offence committed by a person, and to compliance with certain requirements, the person charged with such a crime can access a type of freedom a little more restricted or controlled than any other individual. Hence the idea that it is conditional, since it is a kind of freedom that is granted conditionally, to the existence of certain elements that will ensure control over the person accused of specific wrongdoing or crime. In the field of law and justice, probation is understood as a benefit that not anyone can access it. Your application can vary from region in region, from jurisdiction to jurisdiction according to a myriad of elements. The idea of parole is certainly controversial social since it implies that through his is being granted a benefit or a right to a person who committed some sort of crime. In some cases, you can be granted even to people who commit serious crimes such as murder. However, it also exists as a way to encourage change in the defendant's conduct since among the requirements to obtain it is to have conducted a respectful attitude of the law and life in community within the prison. Among the different forms which can take probation are the periodic mandatory appearance before justice in order to prove that the person is controlled and not fugitive, the realization of community work (this is especially common when the offences are minor) or the payment of any type of bail that is considered sufficient to pay for what has been done.