What is the Meaning & Definition of report

The report is a document which are flushed details inherent in a research or study that was conducted on a topic or theme; the report is always preceded by an iunvestigativa task. Meanwhile, the Mission of a report is the report to anyone, a superior, a company that hired us, among others, about the made object of study.
Most notable of this type of text is the versatility that characterizes it since its structure and format is plausible to be used in the most diverse areas, i.e., the report is not an exclusive from an area work much less, but it can be used in a myriad of areas and situations, provided that it is required to transmit the information , the conclusions, among others, obtained after a study.
Medicine, politics, justice, the economy, the media, between the fields with more we interact, are some that most used reports in their daily work.
The doctor that we consulted by abdominal pain, to corroborate the diagnosis, can send us to perform an ultrasound of the abdomen. Meanwhile, this kind of practice in medicine are always accompanied by a report that explains everything seen in the images.
Both the report and the ultrasound images should be physician so that interpret us the result obtained.
Also science is often use to report after the completion of any experimentation on a topic to just dump the details of a discovery, the phases that were followed to achieve the finding and conclusions.
Justice is another area where the report is used by defense lawyers and prosecutors to expose an issue linked with the prosecution or the defence before the courts or the judge having responsibility for issued on the case following.
As with other documents or texts, the report, tends to be composed of the following parts: used portada-indice-introduccion-desarrollo-conclusiones-bibliografia.