What is the Meaning & Definition of Shock

It is called shock to this sudden alteration of the body of a human being by causes which can be organic, as any infection or injury suffered by any part of the body either be motivated by strictly emotional causes such as the untimely death of a loved or the loss of anything other than love.
In the first of the cases mentioned in the first paragraph, shock causes a negative mismatch between the total of intravascular fluid volume and the capacity of the vascular bed that contains it, resulting in safe alterations in hemodynamic and metabolic, as if unable to be stopped through medical care can lead to the person who certainly suffers to death.
The most characteristic symptoms of this type of alteration will be arterial and venous hypotension, tachycardia, rapid and weak pulse, pallor, cold extremities and mental obtundation. The treatment generally followed in such cases is first and foremost stopping the bleeding, reduce tachycardia and antibiotics in cases where there is infection that we mentioned.
And in the case of the shock caused by some strong emotional cause, what is indicated to be able to reverse how much before symptoms that usually will be the person who suffers from it paralyzed, fearful, paranoid, extremely sad and immersed in a deep depression, is treated with a professional such as a psychologist that helps the person through the chat download and relieve all this situation that has caused that been.