What is the Meaning & Definition of segregation

The term segregation refers to one of the more traditional social problems and pervivientes of humanity. Segregation is the Act of separating and generate divisions within social groups that make up a community. It is based on the concept that individuals are different in pejorative sense, by which some (considered above) do not want to maintain contact with those they consider inferior. Segregation can be in a society with regard to foreigners who inhabit the same space as the natives. However, in some cases the segregation also can be between different social groups within the same community, for example with the humble people.
Throughout the history of humanity the man has always presented a tendency to generate the idea of social, political, economic or cultural hierarchies that are derived in some more or less deeply rooted form of segregation. In addition, other factors such as fear or insecurity are also essential to encourage to get a part of the society releases to another although these factors are unfounded.
It is clear that segregation is a form of violence that's hard work revert because it has nothing to do directly with physical violence (although Yes may imply it) if that has nothing to do mainly with attitudes of contempt for those seen as inferior. Racial, ethnic, cultural or social segregation is always a separation and in some cases can involve up to imprisonment in confined spaces or in rooms very small to a large population.
Today, segregation is seen as a direct damage to human life, which provided that when there is an act of segregation are being violated human rights. However, in practice, while Western societies have advanced in great way on this issue, the complexity of contemporary multicultural societies makes that this subject is not entirely disappeared.