What is the Meaning & Definition of obstruction

The word blockage is used to designate those lines or spaces that will be covered and in which the traffic of different types of elements is not possible precisely because of the tamponade. Obstruction can occur in very different areas and different each other, e.g. a traffic obstruction means that streets or roads are blocked and that cars are not permitted, while any artery obstruction means that blood cannot pass and therefore may occur serious effects on health.
The word blockage always designates something that has been plugged or clogged and preventing the passage of the elements that normally pass through that space. Normally, whatever the case, the obstruction regardless is always an upset or an abnormality that can generate many discomfort in any situation. Where we talk about clogging traffic, always the same generated several conflicts for the circulation of different vehicles and pedestrians. When we talk about obstruction any tract of the body such as arteries, intestines, respiratory tract, we are always in the presence of complications of health which, depending on each case, can be minor or they can become very serious.
However, the word obstruction is not used alone in cases concrete if not that may also be used in abstract or metaphorical way when speaking of actions or through circumstances which hinder is certain resolutions. For example, it speaks of obstruction of Justice when a detainee, a researcher, a professional or anyone acting without telling the truth or tell the facts in a truthful manner. In these cases, the obstruction also generates certain types of complications.