What is the Meaning & Definition of mathematics

He is known as mathematics or mathematics, according to the custom, to the study of all those properties and relationships that involve abstract entities, such as numbers and geometric figures, through accurate basic notations and logical reasoning.
The mathematical theory is manifested in a small number of truths given, known as axioms, from which we can infer a whole theory.
Like any study, mathematics arose as a result of some needs that the man began to experience, including, the inherent in business calculations and of course, make them well so that it could continue to exist, to measure land, and to be able to predict astronomical phenomena. Many people assumed that these shortcomings were that led to the current subdivision of mathematics into the study of quantity, structure, change and space.
Most of the objects of study of mathematics, numbers, geometry, problems, analysis, are all issues that we are or we are not scholars or fans of matter we know because in one way or another they relate to our everyday activity, even when our profession or work is well away from the resolution of mathematical problems. For example, for a housewife, it is extremely important to have mathematical notions to resolve or decide to shopping at the supermarket, among others.
In addition, to achieve a correct description, analysis and prediction of phenomena is required mathematics, which will help us with these issues through branches as the probability and statistics as functional when these issues are.
Euclid and such of Mileto are few scholars having more influence and contribution in the field.
Mathematics are divided into numerous branches very interrelated each other, some objects of study are: theory of sets, operations research, mathematical logic, numbers, integer, rational, irrational, natural, complex, calculations, equations, algebra, geometry.