What is the Meaning & Definition of indomitable

The word indomitable is denial of someone or something that can be tamed, so meaning its rebellious and uncontrollable spirit. Normally, the indomitable term is used for animals though it can also be used symbolically for people who show a very strong and difficult to control personality. The notion that someone is indomitable may have both positive aspects as negative because that can speak of their strength of character and your desire to not be controlled by another, as well as their inability to accept the ideas or thoughts of others.
The notion of indomitable arises from the word dressage or domestic. In this sense, is domestic that animal that has been able to be tamed by man and that has then lost their quality of wild. This is especially clear in the case of animals such as dogs, cats, horses, sheep, etc. Many other animals can be tamed by man but remain in essence wild and untamed, as for example the big cats, elephants, crocodiles, among many others. The condition of indomitable always refers to the wild and free spirit that shows the animal, never willing to submit to the strength of the human being and preferring to always keep up with their natural power.
As stated, the indomitable term can also be applied to people. Although we cannot speak in this case of domestic people or not, yes we can refer individuals who are very difficult to control, difficult to control or manage. These people usually show a significant level of self-determination, knowing how to behave or how to act. However, they can also show a significant level of stubbornness since they do not show any ability to interact with others in group mode or accept ideas or suggestions of others.