What is the Meaning & Definition of Rheumatology

Rheumatology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the study and treatment of diseases of the locomotor apparatus, i.e. diseases that affect the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, which are commonly known as rheumatic diseases.
There are other specialties of medicine that also focus on these structures, but with a completely different approach, in this sense the trauma is a specialty oriented mechanical resolution of lesions by means of the adjustment of fixed assets such as splints or casts, as well as its surgical resolution; Meanwhile, physiatry, also known as physical medicine and rehabilitation, which orients itself to the application of therapies and treatments supported by physical media such as heat, electricity, ultrasound, mobilisation, stretches, exercises and massages to achieve the functional recovery of the affected structure.
Rheumatology has a more medical and clinical approach, in fact medical rheumatologists are internists who are studying postgraduate studies in rheumatology that can last two to three years according to the institution where you are. This specialty includes diagnostic procedures and treatment specific to these conditions, physician rheumatologist also determines the degree of disruption which have rheumatic diseases of other organs and establishes the prognosis or possible outcome or degree of involvement that will have the disease in the medium and long term, all this in order to minimize the impact of these diseases to the health with which it seeks to achieve the patient to enjoy of the best quality of life possible.
There is a general belief that the rheumatologist waiting room is full of elderly people, which is not necessarily true. While degenerative rheumatic diseases like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are more common in the elderly, type inflammatory and autoimmune like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Scleroderma, gout and fibromyalgia, among others, appear in young people, even rheumatoid arthritis can occur in young children, which is known as juvenile Reumatoidea Artritis. In relation to sex noteworthy women affecting such diseases more frequently.
Most of inflammatory rheumatic diseases are capable of producing affecting internal organs, as well as its manifestations in the musculoskeletal system, such is the case of lupus, psoriasis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis that can affect structures such as the nervous system, lungs, heart and kidneys, these complications are also within the study area of Rheumatology.