What is the Meaning & Definition of prostitution

Prostitution is the activity carried out by an individual of either sex and which consists in the establishment of sexual contact with another person in return for payment of a certain sum of money. Although as mentioned prostitution is an activity that can be defined by individuals of both sexes, historically, it has been mostly practiced by women. Meanwhile, prostitution can be heterosexual or homosexual failing and is also, often, in recent years, involving transvestites, popularly known as shemales, or transgender people, those individuals whose sexual identity is in conflict, i.e. born men but feel like women or vice versa, and therefore decide to undergo surgery to change their sex of origin. As it will be called generically, prostitute or who performs this type of activity as a way of life. The subject exercising prostitution used as sole criterion when choosing a client money exchange, that is, there is no any kind of involvement emotional or affective when it comes to sexual intercourse while he serves as prostitute / to. Since time immemorial, the human being, comes to exercise this activity, to which, as a result of this presence over the centuries, is often called, part joke, part seriously, as the most ancient of professions in the world. Currently, prostitution is considered an illegal practice in the majority of countries, but, anyhow, it exercises it is in broad day light and in places socially agreed at that is quite difficult to eradicate it. While other social classes have also managed to practice it, it has been much more common to persons belonging to the lower class of society to practice it. On the other hand, the word prostitution is also used to refer the degradation, usually for interest, which can drop an individual, i.e., as the goal is to get a profit, the person surrendering in certain ideals that argued, because otherwise it could not access this benefit you want to. It pandered to their ideas in Exchange for a post in the Ministry of the interior.