What is the Meaning & Definition of participant

The participant Word is widely used in our language to account for any individual who participates in any activity, action, task, among other alternatives.
On the other hand, in the field of sport, participating Word turns out to be often used as consequence that it refers to the player or athlete who participates in any sports competition.
In other contexts in which the Word also presents a regular use it is at the behest of gambling, of the television games, a highly popular activity within the entertainment programs for these times, competitions, because thus refers to the individuals who are to intervene in them, either playing or competing with the mission to get any reward offered by the program or competition in question.
Note that the participant when it intervenes in some activity or task effectively performs a participation. Participation, therefore, involves action and consequence of participating. Or one who is actively involved in what you are interested in or what do participate may with its intervention modify or propose new alternatives. In politics, for example, at the behest of democratic Governments, it turns out to be essential citizen participation that democracy is kept current and the authorities are faithful representatives of the interests of their constituents.
The word participant is closely related to other concepts that can be used as synonym of his and vice versa, such is the case of: component, concurrent, competitor... And instead opposed directly to concepts such as abstencionista which implies its opposite, which is not involved in any proposal.
For his part, participant observation is an observation technique used at the behest of the social sciences and which consists of the researcher in question be directly involved with the investigated, participating in their context, their life experiences, so direct witness of all reality and everyday people on which the investigation is centered carried forward.