What is the Meaning & Definition of religiosity

From a general point of view, religion shows the sense of transcendence that has a person reflecting on spirituality. A spirituality that takes specific shades through the personal religious beliefs that show a faith within a particular religious doctrine.
That not only religiosity includes theory, but it may also include practical when a person is faithful in practice to those religious ideas that have. In the majority of cases, people receive these religious ideas in children in the context of family education.
Religion shows a type of knowledge different from the rational to integrating the plane's faith as a truth value.

Reflection on spirituality

From the psychological point of view, religion also influences values and how a person who reflects on what is correct and what is not. Religious beliefs also have a high value on personal awareness of the subject that is faithful to a particular doctrine.
Religion shows the form of expression that has the subject of communicating with divinity through rituals, prayers, rituals or prayers that are a form of spiritual dialogue and have a positive value within the religious language that has a specific code.

The quest for transcendence

The human being becomes questions linked to the meaning of life, death, suffering and pain in the existence, the existence of the soul, the mystery of what lies beyond life or the existence of God. From this point of view, religion also responds to these specific issues.

The human being and the death

The human being is a being aware of that is going to die. I.e., it coexists with the certainty that their existence is temporary. Deste this point of view, the fear of death is one of the most universal fears of the human heart that reflects on the significance in search of answers. The religious shows compliance with the precepts of a religion by any person who is faithful to a particular religious doctrine mandates.