What is the Meaning & Definition of orientation

The word orientation presents an extended usage in our language and we use it to refer several issues.
The placement of something in a certain position and in tune with the cardinal points it referred to as the orientation. The Department we buy has north facing as we wanted to.
Also, the placement of something with a special position is called orientation. You got that change the orientation of the armchair because you are going to burn with the Sun's rays that hit him directly.
Other recurrent use of the word is to account for the position or address that has something or someone in relation to one of the cardinal points. Orientation will I need to get to your House since I do not know the area.
The orientation is a very important issue for humans and for animals, to be located geographically.
Case is that to do so effectively, the animals, for example, are guided by the smells, while both, the men we are guided by various means, including: the location of the Meridian or North South line, the location of Polaris or the Southern Cross, using a compass, by visual references and indications, from a globe or map , either, thanks to the benefits of the technology, through electronic devices, such as GPS which we located and tell us where we are.
On the other hand, is called orientation information, knowledge that is given to a person on an issue, and until then ignores it. Also you can try Council presented to someone about something so you can achieve it in correct and satisfactory manner. I'm going to ask my father-in-law about the tax burdens that have this business orientation. The guidance that my father gave me allowed me to pass the exam.
Also, the word is used as a synonym for trend. The governing party has a center-right orientation.
And on the other hand, the vocational guidance is a process through which professionals help youth discover their vocational inclination.