What is the Meaning & Definition of Metrosexual

Metrosexual is a relatively new term in our language but whose employment has expanded phenomenally because the manifestations of its reference have also multiplied.
A metrosexual is a man who cares and occupies a lot by its physical appearance, its image, almost like a woman does. I.e., performs some typical practices of women to take care of yourself physically as being: use hydrants creams for body and face, shampoos and conditioners to improve the appearance of your hair, performed surgeries or treatments to modify those parts of your body that you don't like, tends to go to the hairdresser to dye the hair and make hands loves to go shopping and buy clothing, shoes, accessories, perfumes, among the most common.
For instance, the metrosexual always is aware and abreast of trends, fashion, knows what is used, it is not, such as a woman, but of course, the society takes as a usual issue that this inclination is present in women but not in men, and therefore causing surprise and feeling especially when he began to identify this situation some years ago and the media started to spread it.
But when this trend started to glimpse at the men appeared the alarm of his association with homosexuality, namely the sexual preference of those men for others, immediately found that nothing had to do with this, since there are many heterosexual men with this feature of metrosexual.
Worth mention, apropos of this, living mostly in a macho society, which although it has evolved in many ways, in others, such as the aesthetic care of a man, still continues to live in the past and is therefore is not conceived that this is to worry about its presence both or what makes it more than a woman and then the first response attributed to this need and preference is that this man is homosexual. But as we said already it has been found that nothing has to do with it.
A macho point men in the past have hidden this preoccupation with looking good and today begin to bring it to light, already do not take it as a taboo or that it will be taken as a lean gay.
The footballer David Beckham is one of the famous most associated with this trend.