Biography of Aquiles Serdán Alatriste… Abraham Lincoln… Euclid… Ivan Pavlov…

Biography of Aquiles Serdán Alatriste

(1876/11/01 - 1910/11/18)

Aquiles Serdán Alatriste
Mexican revolutionary

He was born on 1 November in 1876 in Puebla.
Brother of Carmen Serdán. He studied in the colegio Franco-anglo - Mexican, although he had to abandon them because of lack of resources. Works commercially distributing footwear in the States of Puebla and Tlaxcala.
In Puebla, Aquiles Serdan and some supporters founded the political club "light and progress". In 1908 he meets and is related to the City of Mexico Francisco i. Madero . During a visit to Puebla in December 1909, Madero and Serdán founded the local Party Antirreeleccionista . He actively participates in the campaign of Francisco I. Madero. It is apprehended in the city of Mexico for their antirreeleccionistas activities.
In April 1910 to be held in the city of Mexico the National Convention of the party, Serdán, as representative of different population groups, vote for the candidature of Madero and Francisco Vázquez Gómez for President and Vice-President of the Republic. With the loss of the elections it goes in search of Madero to United States, to receive instructions about the armed movement. You receive the Commission to start the revolution in Puebla.
On November 17, 1910, the Governor of Puebla receives reports that Madero has called his followers to start the revolt the next day 20. It ordered that the next morning a new search is made to detain the Serdán. During a meeting at his house, which was the place where weapons for the revolt, were concentrated to be stopped and any resistance, died in the hands of the Federal forces on November 18, 1910, thus, becoming the first martyr of the revolution.

Biography of Abraham Lincoln

(12/02/1809 - 1865/04/15)

Abraham Lincoln
16th President of the United States (1861-1865)
"Desiring immortality is desire the perpetuation of a huge mistake"
Abraham Lincoln

He was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin near Hodgenville (Kentucky) in a family of settlers who later settled in Indiana.
In 1831 he moved to Louisiana, to return some time later to Illinois and settled in New Salem, where started to work on the construction of a railway line and a shop. He also worked as a lumberjack and fought against the Indians. In 1833 was named him Chief of station, but continued conducting surveys and doing other jobs. At the same time he began his studies of law.
He was elected Deputy of Illinois by the Whig party in 1834, and held a seat until 1841. In 1836 he began to practice as a lawyer and did not hesitate to achieve recognition. Despite being born in a slave State, opposed to slavery , and in 1837 was one of two members of the lower House of his State who signed a protest against it. Elected member of the federal Congress in 1846, highlighted by his open criticisms of the war with Mexico and the formulation of a plan for gradual emancipation in the federal district of Columbia. In 1849 he returned to Springfield, but in 1854, due to their astonishment to the Kansas-Nebraska Act (for the implementation of the slavery in the Northwest) Senator Stephen a. Douglas, he decided to return to politics.
Clearly demonstrating their opposition to the cancellation of the Missouri compromise, he argued that it was a wrong measure because slavery was unjust in itself. A year later, decided to stand as a candidate for the United States Senate, but seeing that he could not win, supported to Lyman Trumbull, a Democrat who was also opposed to the record Kansas-Nicaragua.
In 1856 he entered the newly-established Republican party, and in 1858 he was again candidate for the Senate against Douglas. Then began a series of debates between Lincoln and Douglas on the issue, and while he lost the elections finally, the debate earned him recognition from across the nation. In 1860 the Republicans it was nominated candidate for the Presidency, beginning a campaign of restriction to slavery, improve internal and tariff reform, having by electoral rivals and Democrats Douglas and John Breckinridge, John Bell, of the Constitutional Union Party, Lincoln won a majority and was elected President.
After his election, South Carolina and six other Southern States, initiated the first steps to separate from the Union. After failing several attempts of commitment, in February 1861, the southern Government of the Confederate States of Americawas established. On March 4, 1861 lent oath, moment in which faced a hostile Confederation, decided to expand and that threatened the strong federal of South, the most important of which was Fort Sumterin South Carolina. He went to the aid of the besieged garrison and this was the spark that marked the beginning of the American Civil War . When it recruited 75,000 volunteers, the North responded with enthusiasm, but the rest of the southern States joined the secessionist.
When Irving McDowell fell defeated at the first battle of Bull Run, the President chose as Chief Military George McClellan, who in turn was replaced by John Pope. When it was defeated in the second battle of Bull Run, the President resorted once again to McClellan; Despite his victory at the battle of Antietam (Maryland) the general doubted that ultimately, Lincoln had to dismiss him. His successor, Ambrose Burnside, was defeated at Fredericksburg (Virginia), by what there was to cede control to Joseph Hooker, who in turn was defeated at Chancellorsville (Virginia). He appointed George Meade, who won a victory at Gettysburg (Pennsylvania), although he could not continue in the same line.
Stressing his determination to find a general who could defeat the Confederacy, in 1864 delivered the general of the army command to Ulysses S. Grant, who, thanks to his victories at Fort Donelson (Tennessee), Vicksburg (Mississippi) and Chattanooga (Tennessee), could end successfully the war.
In 1861 a prudent program starts antiesclavista, through two laws of confiscation (for the liberation of the slaves used by the Confederate military purposes) and abolished slavery in the federal district of Columbia. The process culminated in July 1862, when he told his Cabinet that he intended to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, took great care to smoothen the application of the same in the border States that were excluded. The proclamation came on January 1, 1863.
Promulgated by the President in his capacity as Commander in Chief in times of armed rebellion, he freed the slaves in the regions dominated by insurgents and authorizing the creation of black military units. In 1864, he advised the adoption of an anti-slavery amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The amendment was approved after the re-election of Lincoln, when he made use of all the powers of his office to ensure that you passed in the House of representatives (January 31, 1865). He tried to maintain harmony among the disparate elements of his party, giving them representation in his Cabinet.
Publicly recognizing the former members of the Whig party to nominate William Seward , Secretary of State (Foreign Minister), and Bates attorney general, also extended its invitations to former Democrats. In 1864 some disgruntled Republicans tried to avoid his new nomination, yet this managed to get the approval of his party in Baltimore (Maryland) while some extremists was nominated John Fremont.
The Wade-Davis Bill establishing tougher conditions and required the acceptance to 50% of voters upset with his Proclamation of Amnesty (December 1863), calling for the restoration of the States insurgents if 10% of the electorate swearing allegiance, Congress passed in July 1864. When he refused to sign this law, he had to face attacks by some hotheads.
In November 1864, was re-elected President of the United States. Few time later announced his support for the limited right of suffrage for blacks in Louisiana. Given the possibility of blacks to acquire the right to vote, John Wilkes Boeth, a famous actor, shot Lincoln at the Ford's success in the city of Washington on April 14, 1865.
He died the next day at seven o'clock in the morning. It was the first assassinated American President. Thousands of suffering lined up beside the tracks while the funeral train took it from Washington toward his final rest in Springfield, Illinois.

Biography of Euclid

(Unknown - Unknown)


Greek mathematician

Your date of birth and death is unknown but some data points to 330-275 a. C. There are also reasons to suspect the non-existence of Euclid; nothing of it, as well as differences of style in his works is not reliably known.
It is believed that he studied at Athens with disciples of Plato. He taught geometry in Alexandria where he founded a school of mathematics. During the reign of the Hellenistic Pharaoh Ptolemy I (305-285 BC) who, wishing to modernize the existing treaties of geometry, Euclides entrusted write a compilation or recast complete. The result was The elements", in thirteen volumes, to which were later added two more, attributed to Hipsicles of Alexandria ".
Calculations, phenomena, optics, the Division of the canon (the mathematical study of music) and other books have been attributed to Euclid, although today it is believed that some have you been awarded wrongly. Historians question also some of his contributions. The geometric sections of the elements were probably initially a review of the works of previous ones, such as Eudoxusmathematicians, although it is considered that he made some discoveries in the theory of numbers.
Euclid's elements were used as text for 2,000 years. The first printed edition of his works appeared in Venice in 1482, a translation from Arabic to latin. This work is the culmination of investigations conducted by the geometricians of Athens. Euclid does but return to deal with greater perfection previous trials; It makes a selection of fundamental propositions and coordinates them conveniently from the logical point of view using a deductive way.
In the elements the definitions used are nominal, among which are the following:
1 point: "Thing that has no part"
2. line: "It's a thing that has no but long, is a length without width"
3 - The ends of lines are points
4 - Surface is only long and wide
5 - Angle is the inclination of one line with respect to another
6 - Acute angle is less than the right and obtuse angle, the greater than the straight
Probably the first to do a formal study on the Golden number was Euclid, about three centuries before Christ, in his work elements. Euclid defined their value, saying that "a straight line is divided at the end and its proportional when the whole line is the biggest as largest segment is the lower. In addition, defined rectangles, isosceles triangles, etc. and gave definitions of elements (like the above) yet we still use.

Biography of Ivan Pavlov

(1849/09/14 - 1936/02/27)

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
Physiologist and prize Nobel in Russian

He was born on September 14, 1849 in Ryazan, Russia.
He studied at the University and at the Academy military medicine of St. Petersburg; studied in Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland) and in Leipzig, Germany from 1884 to 1886. He was director of the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Petersburgo, and Professor of medicine at the Military Academy of medicine.
Recognized for his pioneering work on the physiology of the heart, nervous system and digestive apparatus. His experiments of 1889, showed the existence of conditioned reflex and not conditioned in dogs. He found that they salivaban automatically with the smell of food, giving an unconditional to an unconditioned stimulus response. Behaviorists considered salivation reflecting simple, similar to the patellarreflex, which is the immediate movement that performs the leg when given the ball a tap. If it sounded like a metronome to 100 beats per minute (popularly believed that he used a campaign) in time to show the food the animal, this slowly began to associate this stimulus, in principle irrelevant, with the food. After some time, the unique sound of metronome, without showing the food animal, caused salivation; It had become a conditioned stimulus can produce a response that he called conditioned. The dog had learned to associate certain element with food.
His work on the physiology of the digestive glands led him to get the Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine in 1904.
His main work is conditioned reflex (1926).
Pavlov died February 27, 1936 in St. Petersburg.