Biography of Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez… William Thomson - Lord Kelvin… Confucius… Barack Hussein Obama Jr.…

Biography of Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez

(1964-04-15 - Unknown)

Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez
Mexican writer

He was born on April 15, 1964 in City of Mexico.
Very child became interested in reading and during his adolescence he participated with his poems and other writings in numerous competitions.
He studied Industrial Engineering at the Instituto Tecnológico de Tlalnepantla. Specialized in High business management by the same Institute. A student wrote his first novel, a work that was rejected by more than 10 publishers. In 1983 he published "I will miss you". During this time he stood out as cyclist, still cycling youth national champion nine times. He represented Mexico at the World Cycling Championships in Germany and won the speed record.
Author of the books "a desperate cry", "youth in Ecstasy 1 and 2", "last chance", "fly over the Marsh", "force Sheccid","eternal laws 1 and 2","leaders of the future world","antidote", "champion blood". Founder of the diamond publishing, today editions selected Diamond, who published his works since then.
His first title, a desperate cry (novel of overcoming for parents and children), and subsequent are a kind of family Bible to correct errors and the educational horrors. Owner and director of the Corporation Educational Pretium, founder and leader of the Institute's leading comprehensive. Collaborator in various forums of radio and television as a specialist in human formation.
It has been distinguished as the "writer of the year", awarded with the "Golden Sun" and designated "Toastmaster international excellence in Oral expression award", "national of the creative mind award" and "national youth literature award".

Biography of William Thomson - Lord Kelvin

(26/06/1824 - 1907/12/17)

William Thomson
Lord Kelvin
British physicist and mathematician

He was born 26 June 1824 in Belfast.
One of the six children who survived childhood of James Thomson, Professor of mathematics and engineering at the Royal Belfast Academical Institution, and Margaret Gardner. His mother died in 1830 when William was six years old.
He studied at the universities of Glasgow and Cambridge. Between 1846 and 1899 he worked as Professor at the University of Glasgow.
In thermodynamics, it developed the work of James Prescott Joule on the interrelation of heat and mechanical energy, and in 1852 both joined forces in the investigation of the phenomenon that became known as the Joule-Thomson effect.
In 1848, he established the absolute temperature scale that still bearing his name. He studied the mathematical theory of electrostatics, carried out improvements in the manufacture of cables and invented the moving-magnet galvanometer and the siphon recorder. He was scientific advisor in the laying of the Atlantic Telegraph cable in 1857, 1858, 1865 and 1866. It also contributed to the theory of elasticity and investigated the oscillating circuits, properties of metals and the mathematical treatment of magnetism electrodinamicas.
Together with German physicist and physiologist Hermann Ludwig von Helmholtz, made an estimate of the age of the Sun and calculated the energy radiated from the surface. Appliances invented or improved a device to predict tides, a harmonic Analyzer and a device include to record sounds more or less deep. Also improved aspects of Compass marine or nautical compass. In 1902, he produced the first Atomic model.
Many of his scientific works are collected in his lectures on electricity and magnetism (1872), mathematical and physical papers (1882, 1883 and 1890), and courses and conferences (1889-1894).
He was President of the Royal Society of London in 1890, and in 1902 received the order of merit.
In the winter of 1860 - 1861 slipped on ice and broke his leg, which made him limp ever since.
William Thomson died on December 17, 1907 in Largs, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Biography of Confucius

(Unknown - Unknown)

Kong Qiu
Chinese philosopher

"Where there is justice there is no poverty"
He was born in the clan of the Kong in the country of Lu (Shandong today). The son of a commander of a district in Lu who died when Confucio was three years old, leaving the family in poverty. Confucius was married at age 19 and had a son and two daughters. It was bred by the head of the district where he lived. He was later a teacher and traveled continuously to instruct his disciples. It quickly gained fame of wise man. Known as the wise Kung (Kung-Fu-Tsu) his thinking was introduced in Europe by the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to latinizar the name as "Confucio". Away from the mystical and religious beliefs, the teaching of Confucius is proposed as a practical philosophy, as a system of thought the life-oriented and aimed at the improvement of one's own. The goal is not "Salvation", but the wisdom and self-knowledge. Taught his students the ancient classics of Chinese literature. It is believed that when he was 50 years of age he was appointed judge of Zhongdu, and the following year Minister of crime of Lu. Justice was administered with impartiality and the crime was eradicated. He left his position in 496 BC, and traveled through different territories teaching. In 484 BC, once their quest for an ideal ruler will be revealed completely fruitless, he returned for the last time to Lu. There he died and was buried in a tomb in Qufu, Shandong. Confucius did not leave written principles of his philosophy; These were transmitted only through his disciples, who collected and systematized the five major texts of Chinese tradition: the famous Yi-King book of mutations, the Chu-King or Canon of history, the Chi-King (book of songs), Li-Ki (book of rites) and the Chun-Ching, or annals of spring and autumn. The Lunyu (Analects) is considered to be the source of more reliable information on his life and teachings.
Summary of the Confucian doctrine with the main duties of the Government man:
Love to the people, renew it morally and securing the resources necessary for everyday life.
For this reason, should serve in first term with sovereign respect to him who is the first Dominator.
Cultivate personal virtue and tender to perfection.
In private life and in public, always observe the upper path of the "just means".
Take into account the two kinds of inclination of man: some come from meat and are dangerous; the others belong to reason and are very subtle and easy to lose.
Final object be universal peace and the harmonious.

Biography of Barack Obama

(1961/08/04 - Unknown)

Barack Obama
Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
44 President of the United States

He was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The only child of the interracial marriage of Ann Dunham, born in Wichita, Kansas, and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Hawaii, Barack Hussein Obama, African, born in Nyang'oma Kogelo, Siaya, Kenya district, and a PhD in economics from Harvard University.
When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father won a scholarship to study at Harvard University and did not return to Hawaii.
His mother remarried with Lolo Soetoro, a man originally from Indonesia and spent four years in Jakarta, where he learned to speak Indonesian.
They then returned to Hawaii and he finished his school studies. He also was raised by his grandmother, a Secretary, and by his grandfather, who served under the orders ofPatton. His father returned to Kenya, in 1971 had the opportunity to meet for the last time, until his father died in a car crash in 1982.
As a teenager he worked at the Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop. He began his studies at the University of Columbia (New York) and graduated at the Law school of Harvard University (Massachusetts) with the help of money from scholarships and student loans. He was Professor of constitutional law at the Faculty of law of the University of Chicago from 1992 to 2004. He worked as a civil rights lawyer in Chicago and did community work in impoverished areas of Illinois.
He began his political career as a Senator in the State, he was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996, since it occupied for eight years. In 2004 he ran for the United States Senate and came to become the fifth lawmaker African-American in the Senate, the third since the era of reconstruction, and the first Democrat. He won the American political landscape during the National Convention of the Democratic Party in Boston, relevance in 2004 where delivered a renowned speech where he urged closing the racial wounds opened in the country, and that earned him his release to political stardom. After announcing his intention to compete for the nomination of the Democratic Party in February 2007 it was disqualified for competitors who reproached him that with only a term as Senator in Washington, were you faced with politicians with decades in positions close to government power. Few believed that this politician, virtually unknown, would even to approach the popularity enjoyed by Hillary Clinton, the favorite for the Democratic nomination for a long time.
On Tuesday, June 3, 2008, it outperformed Hillary in the primary voting Democrats for the 2008 presidential election. He co-sponsored legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He traveled to Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. He sponsored the legislation related to pressure groups and electoral fraud, global warming, nuclear terrorism, and military personnel return to the nation. He maintained a critical attitude to the war in Iraq, which was opposed before the invasion in 2003.
On November 4, 2008
the presidential candidate he beat Republican John McCain with an estimate of 66.7 million votes, achieved thanks to have been identified with force as the hope for change. The President-elect told his followers that "change has come to the United States" and congratulated his Republican opponent, McCain, by a long and hard campaign to reach the White House.
On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, at the twelve o'clock noon, such as manda tradition, Barack Obama put his right hand on the Bible, the same one that was used in the inauguration of Lincoln in 1861, and was sworn in the office of President of the United States, in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the great depression, becoming the 44th in the country's history the first African American.
On 9 October of that year was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomatic efforts towards nuclear disarmament, achieving a Middle East peace process and the promotion of the fight against climate change. During his tenure, he promoted economic policies such as the recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 or the Unemployment insurance reauthorization and job creation Act of 2010. Laws such as the Laws of protection to patients and affordable health care or the financial reform and consumer protection, Dodd-Frank Act or the law of Control of the 2011 budget is enacted.
In international politics, the war in Iraqended, it increased the presence of American troops in Afghanistan, signed the new START III arms control treaty with Russia, ordered Libyanthe U.S. military intervention in the conflict. On May 1, 2011 it was learned that a group of U.S. Army special forces killed the terrorist Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
On April 4, 2011 announced the start of his presidential re-election campaign for 2012. His two autobiographical books 'The Audacity of Hope' (the audacity of hope) and 'Dreams from my father' (dreams from my father) became a best seller.
Barack Obama managed to be reelected President of the United States in the election of November 6, 2012, to impose on the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney.
Obama is Christian and former member of the Trinity United Church in Chicago.
He married on 3 October 1992 Michelle Robinson Obama, also a lawyer, and who oversaw it while working as an associate at a Chicago law firm. The couple had two daughters: Malia Ann, born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha (Sasha), born on June 10, 2001.