Biography of Leona Vicario… Plutarco Elías streets… Jean-Baptiste Lamarck… Thomas Hobbes…

Biography of Leona Vicario

(1789/04/10 - 1842/08/21)

Leona Vicario
Heroine of Mexican independence

He was born on 10 April 1789 in the City of Mexico.
As his parents died very soon, he was in the care of his uncle, Agustín Pomposo Fernández.
He met student Andrés Quintana Roo, he fell in love. His uncle did not allow marriage by the revolutionary ideas of the young. Leone had the same ideas so that, when it joined the insurgents, after the rejection of their wedding, sending you news from the capital to the fields.
She was who gave the news in Mexico that the insurgents had own currency, and spent all their assets to help the rebels, who sent news through secret heralds, making reaching the conspirators within the capital reports that Quintana Roo sent him back.
In 1813 was discovered and denounced as conspiracy and his uncle interned her at the convent of Belén Las Mochas, where some fellow, disguised as they got it and on a donkey. She married Andrés Quintana Roo and accompanied the troops of José María Morelos suffering hardship and hazards. In 1818 gave birth to their first child, inside a cave, year when they were taken prisoner and confined in Toluca, where it resided until 1820. They return to the city of Mexico, and after the triumph of independence in 1822, were returned them part of property that had been confiscated them.
Leona Vicario died on August 21, 1842, in the city of Mexico.

Biography of Plutarco Elías Streets

(1877/09/25 - 19/10/1945)

Plutarco Elías streets
Mexican statesman

He was born on September 25, 1877 in Guaymas, Sonora.
He abandoned his career as teacher to participate in 1914 in the uprising headed by Venustiano Carranza against President Victoriano Huerta, fighting under the command of Álvaro Obregón.
He is curator of port Guaymar and later served as Governor of Sonora. President Carranza asked the Ministry of industry and trade. In 1920 he retired from Cabinet to devote himself to prepare electoral papers for candidacy to President of Obregon. To be elected President, appoints it head of the Ministry of the Interior, in 1923 withdrew to prepare his own electoral tour as a candidate for President of the Republic.
The triumph came in 1924, holding the position until 1928. Great speaker, his most important speech was addressed to the Congress of the Union, on September 1, 1928 and which gave rise to the National Revolutionary Party. As ruler was devoted to restructure the economy, agrarian reform, the Organization of the workers and peasants. It dealt with the construction of the great Mexico-Acapulco Highway, founded banks and lending institutions. It was the first institutional President of the Mexican Revolution. To his detractors, he was the instigator of the religious persecution that led to the Cristero war that left thousands dead between 1926 and 1929.
Plutarco Elias Calles died on October 19, 1945 in Mexico, D. f..

Biography of Jean Baptiste de Lamarck - Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

(1744/08/01 - 1829/12/18)

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
French zoologist and biologist

He was born August 1, 1744 at Bazentin-le-Petit (France).
He studied in a Jesuit College in Amiens until 1759, year in which his father and Lamarck died joined the army. In 1768 he left military life and moved to Paris, where he studied medicine for four years.
He wrote a work on his botanical observations, the naturalist George Louis Buffon published in 1779 with the name Flore François (French Flora). He was appointed member of the Academy of Sciences. In 1783 works as a botanical collaborator, but he made his most important work in the Jardin du Roi in 1788.
In 1793, he helped define the structure of the new Museum of Natural History. This reorganization was its displacement of the Department of Botany and his appointment as a professor in the area of insects and worms section that christened Department of invertebrate zoology.
Recognized for his studies on the Zoology of invertebrates and by his theory of evolution. He published a stunning work in seven volumes, natural history of invertebrate animals, (1815-1822). His observations on the evolution, known at the beginning of the 19th century with the name of transformacionismo or transmutation, preceded their extensive research work on invertebrates. He argued the view according to which, in nature, animals were organized according to a scala naturae (life-size), without solution of continuity. According to Lamarck, once the nature created life, the subsequent forms of life were the result of the action of time and the environment on the Organization of organic beings. From the simplest forms of life, would arise naturally more complex.
He presented these ideas for the first time in his main theoretical work, Zoological philosophy, (1809), but it would continue developing them throughout his career. It included the final version of this hypothesis in his work in several volumes on invertebrates, where he explains that his marche nature (life-size) is governed by three biological laws: the influence of the environment on the development of organs, the change in body structure based on the use or lack of use of different parts of the body , and the inheritance of acquired characters.
To the theory of evolution formulated by Lamarck it is known as term Lamarckism, which poses that forms of life had not been created or remained immutable, being more probable that they evolved from simpler forms of life. He proposed "that measure that the individuals of our species change location, climate, or habit, receive influences that slowly change the consistency and the proportions of its parts, powers and up to your same organization". His theory was the first of the biological evolution, presented five decades before the formulation of Charles Darwin's natural selection in his book the origin of species. At the beginning of the 20th century, with the formulation of the Weismann barrier, stating the inability to transfer information between the somatic and the germinal, the lamarckism was scrapped.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck died on December 18, 1829 in Paris.

Biography of Thomas Hobbes

(1588/04/05 - 1679/12/04)

Thomas Hobbes
English political theoretician and philosopher

He was born on April 5, 1588 in Westport.
Thanks to his uncle he was unable to attend the University of Oxford.
He graduated in 1608, he was appointed guardian of one of the sons of the Cavendish family, which stayed together the greater part of his life.
He met Galileo and Descartes.
In 1637, participated in the constitutional dispute between King Charles I and Parliament. It then wrote a treatise defending the Royal prerogatives. This work circulated in secret in 1640 under the title elements of the natural and political right (1650).
Fearing arrest, he travels to Paris, where he remained in voluntary exile for 11 years.
In 1642 just De Cive (Treaty of the citizen), exhibition of his theory about the Government.
It was Professor of mathematics of the Prince of Wales, later King Charles II, also exiled in Paris.
His best-known work, Leviathan or the essence, form and power of ecclesiastical and civil community (1651), exposes his doctrine of sovereignty.
It aroused the suspicions of the French authorities for his attack on the papacy.
Fearing arrest, he returned to England. In 1660, came the monarchical restoration and his former pupil acceded to the throne.
In 1666 the Camera of the Comunes approved a relationship involving the Leviathan book investigated because of his alleged atheistic tendencies. He said the experience as the basis for knowledge. He wrote an autobiography in Latin verse and translated into English the verses of the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer.
Thomas Hobbes died December 4, 1679 in Hardwick Hall.