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Lake Malawi Tourism, Malawi
Lake Malawi is the largest lake in Africa with a very beautiful view of the Lake and the golden sandy beach is fabulous. The Lake is located in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. The Lake also has the greatest depth of second-and third-largest in Africa. This Lake has fish species other than the other lakes on the planet. Lake Malawi is also known as the calendar Lake as it has 365 miles long. This Lake is a freshwater lake surrounded by golden sand beaches are very beautiful and provides opportunities for water sports and you people who want to look for something outside of Sun, sand and swimming. The Lake has more than 1000 types of cichlids and officially declared as a reserve by the Government of Mozambique in 2011. The Lake is very beautiful and there are many wonderful places and hidden from these places. This Lake has a very beautiful place, nature, peace, with golden sand beaches and people in Africa are very friendly.

Lake Malawi is very popular once the tourists from different countries, because of the beauty of the Lake is so amazing and the beach is very special indeed. This Lake also has a place to entertain your child and your child’s play area. Every day, a lot of tourists come here. Because of the beauty of the beach is very beautiful and very stunning Lake. Hotels here are also teeming with tourists as the hotel here in complete with suitable facilities for your weekend getaway with Spa and massage to relax. If you want to find and eat here also there is a restaurant which is very delicious and very tasty. Lake Malawi is very well suited to your vacation with your family and your spouse.