10 Characteristics of Autism


We explain what autism is and how this disorder is diagnosed. Also, what are its characteristics, causes, symptoms and more.

Autism creates difficulties in establishing social relationships.

What is autism?

Autism is known as one of the neurological disorders located in the complex " autism spectrum disorders " , which in turn are located in the group of " generalized developmental disorders ", more frequently known as PDD.

Autism creates difficulties in establishing social relationships , since the capacity for and interaction is altered. In autism, there are often stereotyped behaviors, often repetitive.

It is important to know that autism is a lifelong disorder ; However, with an early approach under the guidance of qualified professionals, it is possible to mitigate the symptoms and improve the quality of the patient and his family.

Characteristics of autism :

  1. Diagnosis

One of the symptoms of autism is the lack of the so-called "social smile."

Experts believe that autism can be diagnosed from 3 years of age , although new evidence supports the idea that it could be diagnosed even much earlier (around 6 months). The diagnosis is not easy, one of the classic symptoms of the autistic child is the absence of the so-called "social smile" after 4 months of life. It is often parents and caregivers or teachers who notice the first signs that guide professionals toward the diagnosis of autism.

  1. Treatment

Unfortunately, autism is a non-preventable entity and it cannot be cured either. That is why it is very important to carry out an intervention as soon as possible. Efforts should focus on the development of communication , socialization and cognitive skills , which can be greatly improved through constant work. In this sense, it has been shown that great advances can be achieved with novel therapies, such as assisted therapies with, especially with and.

  1. Frequency

Autism is 4 times more common in boys than in girls.

The frequency of autism is statistically estimated to be between 4 and 20 per 10,000 children in the general population and, curiously, it is 4 times more frequent among boys than among girls. It is believed that this could be related to some anomaly in the X. It can occur in any ethnic group and has been shown to be independent of socioeconomic status, geographic location and other factors.

  1. Causes

The causes of autism are not exactly known. Genetic (since in families with a history increases the frequency), neurological (lesions in brain areas involved in learning), biochemical (levels of neurotransmitters) and infectious components are usually recognized in the etiology of autism. Although several genes have been identified that would be linked to autism , there is consensus that autism is the result of genetic and environmental events during pregnancy.

  1. Trastornos TGD

Autism ranks alongside the other four pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) currently recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV edited by the American Psychiatric Association , which are Asperger's syndrome, Rett syndrome, Childhood Disintegration Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Unspecified.

  1. General symptoms

The autistic child has difficulty understanding the emotions of others.

The child with autism (infantile autism) tends to isolate himself and avoid eye contact with other individuals , has difficulty communicating, either verbally or through body language. Cannot understand other people's (that is, lacks empathy), being unable to internalize conventional social patterns, such as tones of voice and facial expressions.

Sometimes they add to these other symptoms, such as sleep disorders, seizures, tics . It is extremely difficult for them to register changes in the environment, when they do this causes them enormous anguish.

  1. Delay in language acquisition

This is another of the characteristic symptoms of autism and the one that largely motivates the communication problem that these children suffer from.

  1. Impossibility to intervene in the social game

Autistic children cannot intervene in typical childhood pretend games.

Due to communication difficulties, autistic children are unable to participate with other children. They also have a very limited imaginative capacity , which prevents them from taking part in typical childhood simulation games.

  1. Compulsive behaviors

The alignment of the objects that surround it is very common in the autistic child he approaches these tasks with excessive eagerness, disinterested in almost everything else.

  1. Stereotyped and repetitive movements

Repetitive fixed movements (rocking, turning) are added to the constellation of symptoms described , which are sometimes self-injurious.

Update date: February 18, 2021.

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