5 examples of social equality

5 examples of social equality

Social equality in 5 examples

Social equality allows each citizen to enjoy his most fundamental rights, regardless of the social class to which he belongs, his place of residence, his sex, his race or his religion.

Social equality is inseparable from social justice, for there can only be equality where justice reigns. It is a remedy for countless social ills such as discrimination, intolerance, segregation in all its forms.

Certain aspects of social life are necessary to guarantee social equality, among which there is universal suffrage, the right to health, the right to quality education, freedom of expression and access. to justice.

Universal suffrage


Universal suffrage is the right to vote for all citizens of legal age in a country. It is an example of equality in society, because with the right to vote, each individual can freely choose his leaders.

The right to universal suffrage is the basis of any democracy and is an example of social equality, because each vote counts only for one vote regardless of the differences that exist between people (race, origin, social class, etc.).

The right to health

The right to health

The right to health is a fundamental human right which is part of the right to life. Every government has the duty to guarantee the right to health for all its citizens, rich or poor. It is in this sense that the right to health becomes an example of equality in the treatment of citizens by a government and a measure of equality in a society.

The right to education


Access to an education system for all citizens is an example of equality in a society. Education is a fundamental right of every individual, because education is necessary for human development (freedom of thought and the acquisition of skills) for socio-emotional well-being. Access to education allows citizens to have equal opportunities in social integration, which makes the right to education an example of fundamental rights for social equality.

Freedom of speech

Freedom of expression

The right of every citizen to express himself freely and without censorship is an example of equality in the society which claims to be egalitarian.
Freedom of expression allows citizens to participate in the construction of society through the expression of their opinions and ideas. A society that promotes freedom of expression offers itself an opportunity to benefit from the contribution of all these sons, without any exclusion, in the building of the nation. This is what makes freedom of expression one of the examples of social equality.

Access to justice

Access to justice

In an egalitarian society, access to justice for all citizens is a right guaranteed in the constitution and in practice. The deprivation of the right to justice creates frustrations, which can lead to revolt or rebellion movements.

The deprivation of the right to justice creates frustrations, which can lead to revolt or rebellion movements.
When some citizens see themselves as lacking access to justice, they see themselves as oppressed in their own country and tend to oppose established authority.

A modern society must guarantee access to justice for all its inhabitants in order to maintain social cohesion and active participation in all activities inherent to citizenship. This is what makes access to justice one of the examples of social equality.

Update date: February 11, 2021.