7 universal values ​​for a better world

7 universal values ​​for a better world

What are the universal values ​​for a better world?

Universal values ​​are made up of a series of virtues and principles that guide good human behavior in order to lead a life in harmony with the environment and the people around it.

Universal values ​​are recognized and applied in all social groups, whatever their particularities. They make the world a better, freer, more respectful and more pleasant place to live and share with others,

Here is a list of examples of universal values ​​for living in a better world.



Freedom is a power that human beings have to act responsibly according to their will and principles, and without adversely affecting those around them.

Therefore, freedom does not act selfishly. On the contrary, it is a value that allows us to live in peace, to express our opinions, to respect others and to exercise our rights for our own good and the good of others.

The respect


Respect is a universal value which leads to the recognition of others, of their needs and interests. Respect is reciprocal, that is to say the recognition that we have of others, we also want to feel it in their treatment of ourselves. Respect is part of moral values ​​and encourages tolerant social relationships, free from contempt and neglect.

To live in a better world, people must learn to respect themselves, to take care of the lives of other beings, to accept the diversity of opinions, ideas, customs, cultures and cults. Respect generates more acceptance, tolerance, and open spaces to discuss opinions and resolve issues.

Therefore, if the value of respect is instilled from an early age, we will have a society tolerant of diversity, therefore conducive to a better world.



Honesty is a virtue that comes with sincerity, dignity and righteousness. Honesty builds trust and respect between people. Therefore, anyone who is honest is considered a righteous and correct being who in any situation puts the truth ahead.

In a society, it is always necessary to reinforce the value of honesty, because it helps to avoid lies, deception and disrespect. Honesty makes it possible to live in a better, more sincere, more truthful and more respectful world in which everyone can be accepted.



Tolerance is a universal value which must be taught to all from childhood, because it allows the development of a society in which there is a healthy coexistence between the members.

In a tolerant world, diversity is respected and differences of opinion, religion, language, culture and political tendencies are accepted, whether different or not. To live in a better world, it is necessary to practice tolerance more and accept the differences that exist between different members of society. On the contrary, intolerance only generates lack of respect, contempt and denial of a reality.



To live in a better world, it is necessary to have justice as an ethical and moral value to guarantee the well-being of society. Everyone wants to live in a more just world, where the laws are applied for all, in the same way; the rights, duties and needs of all are respected.

Justice must be applied in a consistent and law-abiding manner, which guarantees the balance of a state. Justice is therefore a value based on respect, equality, freedom, honesty and tolerance. Its presence makes it possible to fight against injustices and conflicts.



Friendship is a universal value associated with solidarity, love and reciprocal commitment. To live in a better world, it is necessary to learn how to cultivate friendship, because friends are usually allies and confidants in the best and worst times.

A friend cares about the well-being of the other, rejoices when his friend achieves a goal and supports him when he goes through a difficult situation. True friends show unconditional help.

However, friendships can be born in different ways, some are born during childhood, but others when growing up, through interactions with other people, whether at school, university, at work. , while traveling, etc.



Kindness is a universal value that promotes good and preserves from evil. To live in a better world, people need to be kinder, therefore generous and concerned with helping others without asking for anything in return.

Good people are anxious to give and promote love, they are seen to have a big heart. Kindness is a value that must be instilled in people from childhood, whether through home education or through the education system. Through kindness, one can avoid or reduce the suffering of others.