Infinite: What is it, Characteristics and Meaning


What is Infinity:

Infinite is an adjective that means that something has no limits, that it has neither beginning nor end. The word comes from the Latin infinitus , which means 'without limit', 'indefinite' or 'indeterminate'.

The concept of the infinite has application in the language of common use as well as in various areas of knowledge, such as philosophy, theology, mathematics, geometry and astronomy.

In common language the word infinity is used to indicate that something is very numerous or that it is enormous. For example: "The number of grains of sand on the beach is infinite." It is also used in the sense of indicating remoteness and imprecision of something. "The road stretched out to infinity."

Infinity in math

In mathematics, the concept of infinity does not refer to a quantity or number precisely, but rather to the absence of limits in a certain direction or to a possibility. In any case, it designates a value greater than any other that can be attributed.

It is represented by the following symbol: ∞. This symbol, which looks like a number eight in horizontal orientation, is characterized by having neither beginning nor end.

Infinity in metaphysics

In metaphysics, infinity is a concept that does not admit any type of delimitation, since any effort to delimit, contain or define is, in itself, a negation.

Infinity in religion

In religious thought, especially in monotheistic religions or religions of the book, God is represented as an infinite being, insofar as he has no beginning or end, and cannot be defined or limited to a concept.

    • Update date: March 11, 2021.

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