What is science?
The Science (Latin scientia, from scire, meaning " to know") is the set of systematic knowledge about nature, beings that compose it , the phenomena occurring in it and the laws that govern these phenomena. It is a faculty of man that allows him to find explanations to the studied phenomena and answers to the questions raised about certain events, through a set of ideas that can be provisional, because with the continuous search activity and the effort of men and women, these explanations may vary and constitute new knowledge.
What is science
Table of Contents
- 1 What is Science
- 2 Outstanding Definitions of Science
- 2.1 Process
- 2.2 Radio
- 2.3 Periodic Table
- 3 Characteristics of a science
- 4 Classification of science
- 4.1 Formal Sciences
- 4.1.1 Mathematics
- 4.1.2 Logic
- 4.2 Natural Sciences
- 4.2.1 Astronomy
- 4.2.2 Physics
- 4.2.3 Geology
- 4.2.4 Chemistry
- 4.2.5 Biology
- 4.3 Social Sciences
- 4.3.1 Economy
- 4.3.2 Linguistics
- 4.3.3 Psychology
- 4.3.4 History
- 4.3.5 Sociology
- 4.3.6 Policy
- 4.3.7 Communication Sciences
- 4.4 Applied Sciences
- 4.4.1 Architecture
- 4.4.2 Medicine
- 4.4.3 Pharmacy
- 4.4.4 Engineering
- 4.4.5 Anthropology
- 4.4.6 Archeology
- 4.1 Formal Sciences
- 5 Other types of science
- 5.1 Science Fiction
- 5.2 Origin Science
- 5.3 Sciences of the Spirit
- 5.4 Forensic Sciences
- 6 Latest definitions of Science
- 6.1 Laws of Physics
- 6.2 Oceanography
- 6.3 Power Source
- 6.4 Spring
- 6.5 Taxonomy
- 6.6 Computer
- 7 What is the scientific method
- 8 What are auxiliary sciences
It is a series of neutral and verifiable knowledge about a specific topic. The concept of science extends to all branches of the different areas or fields of knowledge, where specialists carry out different studies and observations, implementing the scientific method , so that in this way it is possible to achieve new, irrefutable, accurate knowledge. , valid and objective.
It is based on experimental observations . These observations are structured through models, methods and theories in order to form new knowledge. For this, real criteria and a research method are established. The implementation of these knowledge and methods leads to the formation of new knowledge in a style of concrete, proportionate and verifiable revelations aimed at observations of the past, present and future.
Characteristics of a science
Some of them are:
- It is factual since it is not based on opinions, but on specific facts.
- It is analytical, because when addressing complex issues you must study each of its components for a better understanding.
- It is verifiable, since all scientific knowledge must be subject to verification.
Science Classification
The classification of science is based on two main sets: factual and formal science ; the first is the one that works on reality in its research, its technique is experimentation and observation, however, it also includes deduction. The second is the one that is based on logical reasoning and uses ideal objects, its work tactic is deduction, which includes mathematics and logic.
The most prevalent classifications are listed below:
Formal Sciences
Formal or ideal sciences are those whose main research objective is not the physical or chemical laws of origin, nor the planet and nature, but a system of relationships that are, in principle, free of their own content, although they can be implemented in analysis of any section of reality.
Examples of formal or logical sciences include:
It is where the analysis of the formal-logical methods of calculations and the representation of what the human being has and its use in practical life is applied .
It is the study of thought systems, that is, of the mechanisms and proportions of certain conclusions that emerge from them.
natural Sciences
They are dedicated to the study of nature , which is made up of the following branches:
Study and investigate the celestial stars and the intercommunication between them.
Analyze the essential forces of the universe (space, time, energy, among others.) And the laws that come out of it. Physics books are based on the knowledge of the universe and all the laws that comprise it.
It is the one in charge of carrying out studies of the planet earth , as well as focusing on its transformation and formation.
In this discipline the structure, composition and reaction of matter are studied
It focuses on analyzing and investigating every living being, its behavior, its evolution, internal process, its origin, as well as its interactions.
Currently there are science books of biology where we can see all the studies that scientists have carried out on living beings, based on everything mentioned above.
It is known as the different organisms of knowledge organized methodically that have as their goal the analysis of man in society. These types of science try to carry out the fulfillment of the requirements of the scientific method. The following are included in this class :
It is the study of the methods of distribution, management, exchange and consumption of goods, in addition to analyzing the level of satisfaction in human needs, starting with a specific group of elements.
Known in many countries as humanistics, it is a subject aimed at understanding and studying the different methods of human communication : both verbal and non-verbal.
It is the discipline in charge of the study of human behavior and the composition of the psyche, both from its community and social perspectives, as well as introspective and individual. Several of his tools come from medicine.
At present there is a great debate as to whether or not history belongs to the social sciences. But in such a case, it is the one that is in charge of the study of the interaction styles and time of human societies, as well as the processes and events that characterized it.
It is the subject dedicated to the analysis of the systems and structures of the functioning of different human societies, always taking into account the historical and cultural sphere.
Also called political theory, it is a social discipline that studies the different bodies of legislation and government, both in antiquity and today.
communication Sciences
Also known as communicology, it analyzes, studies or discusses the social event linked to communication and computing, as well as the mass transmission media and cultural production, and the semiotic group that they make up, creating their own analytical tools and study methods.
Applied Science
It is the implementation of scientific knowledge of one or different specialized areas, used to solve practical problems. In the field of engineering, for example, it is related to what is applied science. These technical fields of knowledge are fundamental to the evolution of technology.
Among what this area encompasses are the following disciplines:
It is the technique of projecting the art of designing and constructing buildings, restoring the habitat of the human being and analyzing the proper use, aesthetics and functionality of areas, whether urban or architectural.
Represents applied science number one of man. Because it obtains information from biology, physics and chemistry, and even mathematics, medicine applies to the study and analysis of the human body. For this, a series of books on the science of medicine have been prepared , where all the specialized scientists reflect all their studies on the improvement of health, medicines for diseases, and an endless number of exhaustive analyzes of the human body.
It starts from biochemistry and shares several areas with medicine, pharmacology aims to achieve the development of medicines and elements that manage to appease some type of ailment in the human body. It refers to a very comprehensive scope of the chemistry of life and biological development, implemented to enhance and extend human life.
It is the set of science and technology methods that, structured in different branches of interest, approve man to produce, innovate and invent tools that simplify, protect and improve the quality of life. Among the sciences that make up engineering are mathematics, physics, chemistry, among others.
This science is dedicated to the study of the human being in an integral way. Anthropology analyzes man's responses to relationships, the environment, interpersonal relationships, as well as the social and cultural aspect in which he operates.
It is the discipline that studies ancient peoples from their material remains, through the analysis of objects and certain works manufactured by ancient communities, this discipline can reach conclusions about their culture and lifestyles.
Other types of science
Science fiction
The concept of science fiction refers to a genre that emerged from fiction literature, along with horror fiction and fantasy literature .
Certain authors believe that the explanation is a wrong translation of English science fiction and that the correct one is science fiction. It emerged as a genre in 1920 (although there are works that had been previously recognized) and then it was exported to other media, such as television, cinematography and comic strips (related to the elaboration of science fiction stories), it enjoyed a great boom at the end of the 20th century due to popular interest in relation to the unrivaled advances made in science and technology in recent years.
Origin Science
The science of origin is in charge of the facts of origin, it does not fall within the category of empirical sciences, which refers to the regularities visualized in the present. Actually, it's more like forensic science. In many respects, source science is more like the scientific studies conducted by investigators at a crime scene.
Sciences of the Spirit
They are those that allow the human being to get to know himself , by examining what makes him unique.
From the perspective of knowledge, from the origin of the faculty of experimental sciences, there has been a great duality between practical and theoretical knowledge.
Forensic Science
Forensic science is a group of scientific disciplines that cooperate with the justice and the police, by specifying the exact causes of the participation of an offense and by recognizing its authors, Scientific practices within the legal framework or the group of sciences that uses the law to catch a criminal.
What is the scientific method
The scientific method is a series of ordered processes that are applied mainly to find new knowledge. To be called scientific, a research system must be based on measurement and empirical , connected with the principles of disquisition tests.
By means of a scientific method, science can gather its established knowledge, this is nothing more than an organized way or means to reach a certain objective. It consists of observation, problem statement, data collection, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, results analysis, and dissemination.
The knowledge of nature achieved through the scientific method, as well as the research that makes it possible, is known as pure science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.). There are other scientists working on research aimed at obtaining practical applications of the results obtained by pure science, which constitutes applied science (agriculture, engineering, aeronautics, medicine, etc.).
Among the required processes that make up the scientific method, there is observation (the scientist must resort to his senses to analyze the fact in the same way that it is shown in reality), induction (starting with observations, the researcher must draw the characteristic principles of them), the establishment of a hypothesis (starting from the observation itself), the refutation or demonstration of it and the presentation of the scientific theory.
Among the different types of scientific methods, the dialectical, the experimental, the empirical-analytical, the phenomenological , the historical and the hermeneutic stand out. Each of them has its own applications and has its own area of action in which it turns out to be more profitable or more useful than the rest.
What are auxiliary sciences
They are all those that serve as a support for another discipline so that it can meet its objectives or goals. These are scientific subjects that can support a science in some specific aspects.
Although the expression can refer to different sciences, its meaning is closely associated with history. Its function is to complement and support a specific discipline, that is, to provide an instrumental dimension.
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