10 Characteristics of Self-Esteem

Self esteem

We explain what self-esteem is, how it is classified and what are its causes. Also, their characteristics and different personalities.

self esteem
It could be said that self-esteem is a construction of the individual.

What is Self-esteem?

Self-esteem is an assessment that a person has of himself . Being a personal assessment, it does not have logical or rational causes, rather it is based on a set of bodily, mental and emotional traits that the person takes into account before issuing the assessment.

Self-esteem is a value judgment on the person himself. This is changing over time . Thus, at some point one may have high self-esteem (having a positive value judgment about herself) when at other times said self-esteem is low (having a negative perception and value judgment).

Therefore, it could be said that self-esteem is a construction of the individual . This changes in relation to how the same person acts and develops in the environment that surrounds him.

In addition, two main types of self-esteem can be distinguished; low self-esteem and high self-esteem . There are also those who indicate that, in turn, these two self-esteem can be divided in two (unstable high, stable high, unstable low, and stable low).

Characteristics of self-esteem:

  1. Types of self-esteem

Self-esteem can be strengthened or weakened . If the subject is well built, they will probably have a high or positive self-esteem. This constitution (although it is forged throughout the entire life) has its foundations during early childhood. If, on the other hand, the subject has a developing or weakened personality, it is likely that he forges a type of low or negative self-esteem.

A weakening of self-esteem directly affects not only psychically or emotionally but also has its consequences on a physical level . The reverse is true in the case of positive or high self-esteem.

  1. Causes

self esteem - depression
A person with low self-esteem often experiences depression, anxiety and anguish.

While it is true that the causes of low or high self-esteem are related to the experiences of each person , it is also true that there are neurotransmitters that, if they are abundant or scarce in it, interfere with the type of self-esteem that the person has.

Some of the causes by which self-esteem can be affected are:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Bullying
  • Verbal or physical assaults
  • Accidents
  • Loss of loved ones

A person with low self-esteem often experiences depression , anxiety, panic, anguish and sadness. While a person with high self-esteem is usually positive, cheerful, funny, creative, spontaneous and decisive.

  1. Trust

People with high self-esteem are not afraid to speak or address other people . They express their feelings and with.

In the case of people with a weakened or low self-esteem, they often have a constant feeling of fear. They do not trust themselves or their own abilities.

  1. Empathy

self-esteem - empathy
A person with high self-esteem understands their own and others' feelings.

Those people with high or positive self-esteem tend to recognize those of others , as well as being in tune with their own feelings and those of others.

The people with reduced or low self - esteem have reduced feeling of empathy , making them hard to recognize what other people feel and think. They are generally immersed in their own thoughts and feelings, although this is not done consciously but cannot focus on the needs or feelings of other people.

  1. Thinking

A person whose self-esteem is high has positive thoughts. Even in the face of difficulties or adversity, the way you face different situations always has a positive tint, thus achieving a positive resolution. On the contrary, the person with low self-esteem often lacks self-confidence , anticipating defeat or solving problems in a negative way.

  1. Risks and responsibilities

self esteem
Low self-esteem is characterized by a lack of initiative.

Those with high self-esteem are attracted to challenges , seek them out, and enjoy them. People with a stable high self-esteem usually see in each difficulty, an opportunity to improve or overcome. On the other hand, low or negative self-esteem is characterized by apathy, lack of initiative, fear of risks and prefer the status quo over modifications in their daily routine.

  1. Solidarity

A person with high self-esteem has a predisposition to help other people without feelings of criticism towards others or towards herself. They are generally people who highlight the positive characteristics of others and their actions.

On the contrary, people with low self-esteem, although they may have the feeling of helping others, will always highlight the negative characteristics of a certain situation.

  1. Personality

self esteem
A person with high self-esteem asks without fear of being judged.

Personalities with high self-esteem express themselves firmly but without offending others. They accept their own weaknesses and they like when other people show them their flaws but always as a constructive contribution and to improve themselves, not as a criticism to undermine their own esteem. Although they like to be told their virtues, they do not like to be alluded to. They are not afraid to recognize when they do not know something. They ask without fear of being judged. They are not afraid to say "sorry" or "excuse me."

On the other hand, people with low self-esteem tend to not accept themselves . They highlight their defects (both physical, mental or spiritual) avoiding being their own strengths and highlighting their shortcomings. They also interact in the same way with others. In other words, a person with low self-esteem can become one.

  1. Degree of assertiveness

The subject with high self-esteem defends his point of view , thoughts and feelings in a calm and patient but firm way.

On the other hand, a person who has low or negative self-esteem will generally be an easily influenced person where their convictions, points of view or beliefs are easily affected by the beliefs, thoughts and / or feelings of other people.

  1. Challenges

self esteem
Self-esteem should not be too high or too low.

People with high self-esteem look for new and interesting challenges to feed their personality. They flee from the status quo or routines as this bores them . On the other hand, people with low self-esteem need to maintain established routines, rigid and devoid of changes since these cause them fear and these can often paralyze them.

It is necessary to regulate self-esteem , that is, that it is not very high or very diminished and that the person achieves a stability that adapts to the type of personality that he has.

Update date: February 18, 2021.

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