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Sulfur - What is it, Characteristics, properties, uses

We explain what sulfur is, where it is found and how this mineral is obtained. In addition, its characteristics, properties, uses and more.

Sulfur is yellow in color and is insoluble in water. 

What is Sulfur?

Sulfur is a,  classified within the group of non-metals , it is found abundantly in nature, with a characteristic rotten egg odor, it appears in a strong lemon yellow, brownish or orange color, it is insoluble in but it is soluble in disulfide de, flames with a blue flame emitting sulfur dioxide.

Atomic number 16, chemical symbol S, group 16, period 3, block p , atomic mass 32.065 (5) u, electron configuration [Ne] 3s2 3p4, electrons per level 2,8,6; It is multivalent and the common oxidation states are -2, +2, +4, +6.

Origin of the word Sulfur

Etymologically it  comes from the Latin  sulphurium , this in turn from the Sanskrit  śulbāri , a  term that means "he loses his value by joining the sulfur", it was also called "flammable stone".

History of sulfur

Sulfur was believed to be the missing piece in the Philosopher's Stone to make gold. 

It was known from ancient times, in the and   was attributed medicinal properties  and was used in the whitening of fabrics; the Egyptians used it for purification of the temples.

He played a leading role in the doctrines of the ancient alchemists who considered this element, as  the missing component in the philosopher's stone  to be able to manufacture artificial.

Sulfur has been known since time immemorial, but as an element it was discovered by Henning Brand. An amateur merchant and alchemist from Hamburg (who also discovered phosphorus). However it was the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier, who through a series of experiments conducted in 1777, discovered that  sulfur is an element rather than a compound  and was the first to classify it as a chemical element.

Where is sulfur found?

Sulfur can be found in underground deposits, hot springs, and volcanoes.

As free sulfur, it  is found in volcanic deposits, hot springs , and also in underground deposits, mainly in the USA (Texas, Louisiana), Russia,, Canada,,, Poland and Sicily.

In its combined state it  appears in the form of sulfides  (pyrite and galena)  and sulfates  (gypsum) , in numerous minerals. It is also found in a variety of organic compounds like and some.

How is sulfur obtained?

Sulfur can be collected in deposits where it is combined with volcanic ash.

Mainly  through the Frash Process , a method to extract the element from the depths of the earth, melting the sulfur contained in underground deposits, a system similar to that of oil exploration. It is also obtained from the separation of natural gas that contains sulfur, through the oxidation process. It is also extracted from the smelting of rocks that contain it, and from manual collection in deposits of pure sulfur combined with volcanic ash.


sulfur - periodic table
Sulfur is a poor conductor of heat and insulator of electricity.

As, it  is characterized by not having shine or luster , it does not reflect the and in its natural state it appears in lemon yellow color; its consistency is solid but soft and brittle; it is a bad conductor of heat and insulator of the; its melting point is relatively low. It has four natural isotopes: 32-S (95.02%), 33-S (0.75%), 34-S (4.21%) and 36-S (0.02%); twenty unstable with a half-decay period ranging between 21 milliseconds and (27-S) and 87.32 days (35-S).

Structural forms of sulfur

Sulfur has a misshapen ring structure of eight atoms. 

It occurs in different forms or allotropes in the solid, liquid and gas phases:

  • Sulfur is made up of a molecular structure of eight distorted rings and takes one of two crystalline forms: the orthorhombic octahedron (Sα) and the monoclinic prism (Sβ). The arrangement of them is determined by the listed forms, whose transition temperature from one to another is 96 ° C; at room temperature the transition of the form is slower.
  • When raising it, it becomes a fluid and transparent yellow, which shows changes in its properties and structure, the color becomes brown and thick and becomes clear again when it reaches the boiling point, turning into a red and viscous liquid. These changes in shape occur when the sulfur rings separate and break as a result of combustion. When the viscous liquid is cooled, a gummy mass called plastic sulfur is obtained. Once it cools, it crystallizes, adopting the rhombic structure.
  • At 780 ° C it adopts a balanced form of mixture of orthorhombic and prismmonoclinic molecules; above 1800 ° C the molecular separation is complete and sulfur atoms are found.

Atomic Properties of Sulfur

  • Average radius:  100 pm
  • Electronegatividad: 2,58 (Pauling)
  • Atomic radius (calc):  88 pm (Bohr radius)
  • Covalent Radius:  102 pm
  • Radio de van der Waals:  180 pm
  • Oxidation state (s):  ± 2, 4.6 (strong acid)
  • 1st Ionization Energy:  999.6 kJ / mol
  • 2nd ionization energy:  2252 kJ / mol
  • 3rd Ionization energy:  3357 kJ / mol
  • 4th Ionization energy:  4556 kJ / mol
  • 5th Ionization energy:  7004.3 kJ / mol
  • 6th Ionization energy:  8495.8 kJ / mol

Sulfur physical properties

  • Ordinary state:  Solid
  • Density:  1960 kg / m3
  • Melting point:  388.36 K (115 ° C)
  • Boiling point:  717.87 K (445 ° C)
  • Enthalpy of vaporization:  10.5 kJ / mol
  • Enthalpy of fusion:  1.7175 kJ / mol
  • Vapor pressure:  2.65 × 10-20 Pa at 388 K
  • Critical point:  1314 K (1041 ° C) (20.7 MPa) 20700000 Pa

Uses of sulfur

sulfur - plastic
Sulfur is used to manufacture plastics, paints, among others. 

Most of it goes to  the production of  , one of the most important chemical products, used in turn in the production of fertilizers from phosphates and ammonia.

It is also  used in the vulcanization of rubber , soap manufacturing, detergents, cements, electrical insulators, explosives, bleaches, dyes,,, paper and petroleum refining.

In addition, it calms the skin, ideal for treating eczema and allergic skin reactions. Eliminates toxins, incorporating mainly in anti-acne and anti-grease products.

Nutritional properties of sulfur

sulfur - vegetables
Sulfur can be found in vegetables like broccoli, collards, and turnips. 

The consumption of foods rich in sulfur benefits health and provides nutrients to the body. Its presence is recognized by the spicy taste. Some of the foods richest in sulfur are:

  • Vegetables.  Broccoli, cabbage, turnip; garlic and onion; cucumber, pepper, eggplant; soybeans, lentils, beans; mango, grapefruit, orange, plum, pear, banana, apple; sunflower seeds, oats.
  • Meats.   and seafood.

Sulfur Cycle

It circulates through the biosphere as follows:

  • Del, or water to vegetables by absorption;
  • From vegetables to animals by ingestion;
  • It comes in the form of gases emitted by decomposition of organic matter (hydrogen sulfide - H2S and sulfur dioxide - SO2) or;
  • It returns to the soil and water by depositions, or decomposition of and by penetration of the atmosphere by gases.
  • : the SO2 accumulated in the atmosphere can combine with another atom to form sulfur trioxide (SO3) which, in contact with atmospheric humidity, becomes sulfuric acid (H2SO4), harmful to the. It precipitates to the surface in the form of “acid rain”. To combat acid rain, it is necessary to reduce emissions of polluting gases, save on and reduce fuel consumption.

World production and sulfur reserves

The world's leading producer of sulfur is the United States. 

Natural sulfur reserves are 5,000 million tons . Half of the sulfur used in industry is obtained by desulfurization of natural gas and oil, converting sulfur compounds into hydrogen sulfide. Recovery from nature reserves is expensive and there are higher regulations on it.

It is estimated that  the sulfur present in fossil fuels dates back to 600 million tons . Annual production is 63 million tons. The main world producer is the United States (10 million tons) followed by Canada (8.5 million tons) and Russia (6.8 million tons).

Negative effects of sulfur on health

Sulfur can cause stomach problems in the body. 

Natural sulfides and bonds added in industrial processes can have harmful effects on human health. To avoid them, safe handling practices should be followed. Can produce:

  • Neurological and heart damage
  • Behavior changes
  • Impaired circulation and 
  • Impairment of the senses: and hearing
  • E affection and hormonal metabolism
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal disorders
  • Damage to liver and kidney functions
  • Skin irritation on contact.
  • Irritation of lungs and mucosa by inhalation

Sulfur toxicity

It is not poisonous in small concentrations, although it  is an irritant to the mucosa, it can be metabolized , but in high concentrations it can cause respiratory arrest. Sulfur dioxide SO2, is a gas, produces acid rain by transforming into sulfur oxide SO3. Carbon disulfide CS2 is highly flammable, ingestion in small amounts can cause paralysis.

Update date: February 16, 2021.

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