30 examples of anaphora


30 examples of anaphora

Anaphora is a rhetorical or literary figure that consists of the reiteration of a word or expression at the beginning of a sentence, in order to achieve an aesthetic effect.

There is also anaphora in grammar, which consists of the reiteration of a word or idea in the context of the same sentence to accentuate its meaning or synthesize information.

Anaphora as a figure of speech

Hit the blade, mill,
until the wheat snows.
Give the stone, water,
until it becomes tame.
Give the mill, air,
until the endless.
(Miguel Hernandez)

There are kisses silent, noble kisses
no kisses enigmatic, sincere
no kisses given only souls
there are kisses for banned true.
(Gabriela Mistral)

A painter born in my land,
with a foreign brush, a
painter who follows the path
of so many old painters,
even though the Virgin is white,
paint me little black angels.
(Andrés Eloy Blanco)

Oh night that guided me Oh night more lovely than the dawn! Oh night that joined Beloved with lover, beloved transformed in the Beloved! (Saint John of the Cross)

Much flower are leafless,
how captivating look,
how lace clean thread,
how much kiss on the day
than a pit of burning coals
lights and annihilates!
(Antonio Carvajal)

Traitorous generals:
look at my dead house,
look at broken Spain:
but from every dead house burning metal comes out
instead of flowers,
but from every hole in Spain
comes Spain,
but from every dead child comes a rifle with eyes,
but from every crime they are born bullets
that will one day find the place
of your heart.
(Pablo Neruda)

Blessed shall you be in the city and in the country. Blessed will be the fruit of your entrails and the fruit of your land…
(Deuteronomy 28, 3-6)

Not to us , O Lord, give us the glory,
not to us but to your name,
carried by your love, your loyalty!
(Psalm 115, 1-3)

Happy are those who have the spirit of the poor, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Happy are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Happy the patients, because they will receive the land as an inheritance.
(Gospel of Saint Matthew 5, 3-7)

Love is patient and shows understanding. Love is not jealous, it does not appear or inflate.
(First letter of Paul to Corinthians 13, 4)

There are those who need a love song;
there are those who need a song of friendship;
there are those who need to go back to the sun
to sing the greatest freedom.
(Silvio Rodríguez)

With you I learned
that there are new and better emotions
With you I learned
to know a world full of illusions.
(Armando Manzanero)

Kiss me, kiss me a lot
as if it were tonight the last time
Kiss me, kiss me a lot
that I'm afraid of losing
you, losing you later.
(Consuelo Vasquez)

Only once did
I love in life
Only once
and nothing more.
(Agustín Lara)

Don't think it wasn't worth it.
Don't think you 're not important.
On the contrary, I loved you with all my soul.
(Natalia Lafourcade)

Grammatical anaphora

Run , run , then it's too late!

Fly , fly high!

And give , and give , over and over again.

I have always liked chocolate . Chocolate is a real delicacy.

He insists on wearing long hair , but long hair is out of style.

Miguel and I went to the field, we walked hand in hand.

Parents and children gathered at home, they sang with emotion.

Alicia Rivas is a professor at the university. She is the coordinator of the project in question.

He is the father of the bride. He is responsible for the party.

Maria and Antonio will go to Paris this year. They have dreamed of it since they were children.

I wanted to talk to Manuel , but I have n't found him.

The musicians have played beautifully tonight. They deserve our thanks.

Ana was my best friend. That is why I dedicated my first book to him.

Must be on time to the airport to make check-in . To do this , we must leave home three hours before.

No one will be home this afternoon. That being the case , I will have lunch outside.

    • Update date: March 7, 2021.

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