Traveling with animals

Traveling with animals 

There are many people who travel with their pets, either for holidays or for any other reason, the journey with our animals as possible will always be that, before departure, we organize and anticipate the problems that could arise, especially if we move abroad.

International documentation

Fortunately increasingly countries that allow free movement of pets, such as catsand dogs , provided that they are in perfect health condition.
The first thing you need to know before you travel will be the requirements requested by the customs of the country that moving. It would be a visit to the Embassy or Consulate where advise in detail on the matter to avoid unpleasant surprises later.
If we travel through Europe, requirements remain unchanged much from one country to another thanks to "passports for pets", valid throughout the European Union. This document is valid for dogs, cats and ferrets and we can book it through our veterinarian.
To travel through the rest of the world we must inform us thoroughly since there is a wide range of disabilities depending on the country in question, by way of example; Polynesia prohibits the importation of animals, Japan requested 15 days upon arrival quarantine and in Russia we will have to arrive with the documentation translated into Russian and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Usually, this will be the basic documentation required:
Passport for pets
Health card; the day in treatments for worming and vaccination, especially the rabies
Certificate of good health, issued by a veterinarian 6 or 10 days prior to travel

Travel by plane

Almost all airlines accept pets in the cabin if they weigh less than 6 kg, our mascot will be considered "Hand baggage" whenever we use a suitable cage. However, if it is heavier will travel as "luggage" in these cases is suitable to give a mild sedative that the situation can cause great stress.

Travel by boat

Vessels often have a well conditioned space for domestic animals. Like aircraft, small pets may travel with us in the cabin. The ferry rides, when moving with our car, many companies allow the animal stays on the inside of this. Another consideration to take into account; as it happens with the people, the animals also can stun.

Travel by car

The car may be more comfortable alternative for traveling with our pets. The most common will be that our animal is already accustomed to traveling in our car and do so in a standardized way. On long trips should provide for periodic stops every 1 or 2 hours so the animal can drink and "stretch your legs" as we would do it.
Another important aspect is where we place our pet in the car. If it's a large animal best is to accommodate it in the boot whenever it is opened and this is separated from the rest of the car by a fence for this purpose. The part of rear seats can be used in smaller animals, the animal can travel within their cages or not if we use a proper seat belt.

Precautions on the road

When we are going to make a stop, it is important to tie the belt to the animal before leaving and not release it to make sure that in the area there is no danger so that you can run freely.
If we saw we had to momentarily leave the animal inside the car, we will have to look for a place in the shade and slightly open windows. We must avoid exposing our pet to these situations already that unfortunately many animals die each year result of heatstroke within vehicles. We must not allow our animal, dog normally, remove the head out of the window, could cause otitis or conjunctivitis and even a hit with any obstacle.

To take into account on long journeys:

• Periodic stops every 2 hours
• Comfortable and secure accommodation
• At the stops, leave the animal tied
• Avoid leaving the animal only inside the vehicle
• Avoid the animal to remove the head out of window

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