Surprising friends in the Animal Kingdom > Care of pets.

Surprising friends in the Animal Kingdom

On many occasions, the friendship between humans can be very difficult to consolidate. Many relationships move for interest, avoided the bonds with a person for having different beliefs, or establish friendships that just reigning envy. This type of emotional ties are contaminated by the fact of being different and do not share the same ideas, by not belonging to the same social status or by having a host of prejudices that limit us when we approach and get to know a new point of view or another way of thinking which, surely, we it would enrich people.
No instead, the friendship between animals doesn't understand differences and, curiously, relationships end up being more "humane" than ours. The images that follow, show us how much that we have to learn from them. No matter the species, physical differences or the characteristics and abilities of each: the union between different species is possible in the animal Kingdom. Why do not we follow his steps?
A baby monkey and a dove in the same cage, in the center of protection of animals on a Chinese island. In the cage they shared food and slept embraced.
Fred, the Labrador, and Dennis, the duckling. Since the mother of Dennis died, Fred has been which has taken care of it and with quin has established a beautiful friendship.
When Paulinchen, the little pig, lost his family, Katjinga, a beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback, adopted him and treated as your own puppy. Within a few days, Paulinchen was returned to his mother, but occasionally they have a short time to see and treat yourself to love.
On a farm in Texas, a Pitbull called Sharky, a cat called Max and many chicks, spend the day together. Sharky loves to protect small birds with his faithful feline friend.
The bear Baloo, Leo lion and Tiger Shere have been great friends for 13 years. They were rescued from a drug dealer who kept them as pets when they were puppies. They are of the same species, nor of the same color. Not even in the same country... But they love each other.
Kasi the Cheetah and peanut farmer: they were together from puppies and so far are inseparable friends.
Bubbles, the elephant African, and Bella, the black Labrador, live in the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina. These large colleagues tend to spend hours playing in the water.
A Tiger Cub was abandoned by his mother and since then it has been raised by a sow.
Mabel and his "chicks". Hen takes care of puppies as well as if it were their biological children.
Lucky and Coco; the cat and cockatoo. Two great housemates who love to relax together. Coco likes put his tongue in his friend's ear and rub the head on its body to caress him.

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