Horse nutrition | Pet care.

Management of horse food clip_image001

Both the place where the horses eat and where it is stored the food they need with container locks and rodent-proof. In addition, they must be cool and protected from the Sun, places because the heat would dry out the food and would reduce the power of the vitamins and minerals it contains, especially if a sack remains open for some time. Needless to say that you must also always stored in a dry place, so if it gets wet quickly breaks down.
The place where you eat horse, cubes, crib, paddles, jibs and the troughs must be scrupulously clean to prevent rust and especially that the spilled food attracts the vermin. The typical smell that is perceived in some stables probably is due to a chronic infestation of mites in cereals. These tiny creatures lay their eggs on cereals, where they remain dormant until the necessary conditions of heat and humidity occur. Once you have hatched, dirty tooling spread plague to non-contaminated food.

Equipment for food

This is the complete list of utensils should have where to eat horses or nearby:
• Storage vessels
• Pallets
• Bucket or mixing palette
• Spring balance for weighing food
• Shelves for storing small tools
• Sink and you need to wash
• Tap water and tap
• Outlet and kettle
• Broom or vacuum cleaner to collect the spilled food

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