A cat paradise for $35,000 > Care of pets.

A cat paradise for $35,000 

We know that love animals I could get very far, but we never imagined that it would come to the point of turning your own home into a sort of feline amusement park.
Bridges, tunnels, stairs, spirals, shelves... to its 18 gatetes them nothing is missing to keep you entertained! The idea that this Californian owner, total fan of cats has had is, how much less, admirable: reform your home and adapt it to their buddies has cost him a whopping $35,000. A feline paradise decorated with jungle in shades of green details and a whole network of specially built for fun and exercise of their cats which, undoubtedly, will be more than happy to.
But this owner is not the only one that joins the fashion of redecorating and home to adapt to the demands of their puppies. Photographer Bob Walker and writer Frances Mooney are also great lovers of felines. Proof of this is their fantastic House catfriendly decorated in vibrant full color tones:
And if still not you've convinced so you yourselves at least one room to your gatetes, we leave you with more ideas that will inspire you to do a DIY session at your home:

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