Aquarium fish Guide | Pet care.

Aquarium fish Guide

It is simple to start an Aquarium .
Go to your local Aquatics trade and buy the biggest Aquarium which can pay, assuming that you have enough space.
The bigger the tank, much better in what refers to cleaning; the Elimination of pollution by chemicals, temperature control and the installation of plants are much easier in a large tank . Buy only in a specialized trade since it will probably depend on tips that there will give the fish, equipment, and health problems.

Community aquariums

We present a list of the most common fish in the Aquarium pet, as well as the affinity between the different species and the characteristics and most significant needs of individual fish.


The viviparous are popular Aquarium fish. They are easy to maintain, raise and relatively cheap. Most of them have been raised in Florida, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Almost all the aquarist that have amateur tropical fish have begun with a Guppy, a Platy, a Molly or a sword tail. With any of these fish, the males and females are easy to differentiate. All of them have pups once a month about and all of them eat their own offspring almost always. Retailers in the industry sell breeding traps to protect the little ones.


Guppy is named to the scientific name, disappeared today, which was given in honor of its discoverer, Mr. Lechmere Guppy. Both its scientific name as people have changed many times, but everyone understands the name Guppy. It is a viviparous fish having babies every month. Males and females are distinguished by the fact that males have greater variety of colorful, liveries, and forms of fins. The pure breeds are very rare and they are very easy to breed fish, but it is very difficult to get to grow to its maximum size. This is probably easier to maintain and reproduce Aquarium fish.


The Platy name comes from an obsolete genus currently receiving the name of Platypoecilus, original genre in which these fish were. These interesting alate are, today, extremely popular and are produced in huge quantities in the huge farms in Florida. There are dozens of varieties, many of them with sword tails "bleeding" since the Sword tails and the Platys can hybridize easily. As in all groups of viviparous, males have a modified anal fin called a gonopodium which impregnates the female. Sexual contact between males and females constitute a ritual that is repeated very often. Females produce a larvae 30-75 every month.


The name Molly derives from the genus Mollienesia, which apparently seems a typo since it imposed in honour of a French priest named Mollen. In 1963 the genus Mollienesia was included in the genus Poecilia, a change which personally I disagree since the Mollys are very different from the Guppies. In any case, these fish are basically of marine or brackish water and only live well in hard, alkaline water. For this reason they are grown in vast amounts in hard and alkaline waters of the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. Better they live alone in slightly brackish water with large quantities of vegetables in your diet.

Sword tails

The sword queues always seem to have an extension on its caudal fin, more or less prolonged, similar to a sword. They did not receive the Sword tail name from this feature.
Its old scientific name was Xiphophorus , which means bearer of a sword. But the name was used to describe the modified anal fin of males which, in fact, resembles a sword.


The piranhas are surrounded by legends. Separate fact from legend sometimes can be a challenge, but suffice to say that they have a very undeserved reputation of being blood thirsty animals. The piranhas are carnivorous, but they are also the most fish.
The Pachus and Metynnis are closely related to the Piranha but are less dangerous.


Tetras, or charracinos, are gregarious fish that don't like living alone, even with one or two of the same species. They are very awake fish and have a great sense of hearing. They are always the first to find food in the Aquarium. They are also the first to feel the danger, which makes that they grouped together in protective schools were closed.
The Tetras are very hardy fish that prefer clear, well aerated and moving waters. If water filtered by peat in a tank well with plants is used it is easy that they bred.


The catfishor CARP, are a note of colour and life in the Aquarium. Catfish, fish always in movement, are to the continuous search for a bit of food, or about to nibble some outside flap. Many catfish prefer to live in groups and exhibit its better color and behavior when they are kept in groups of six or more fish of the same species.


Dwarf cichlids are all below the 10 cm. in length. Like the tanks full of plants with some caves of rocks and pieces of wood. The water should be soft, slightly acidic, and temperatures between 22 and 24 degrees.
The majority of dwarf cichlids are very peaceful so tank mates must be also quiet.

Fish Rainbow and Gobys

There was a time when Australia and New Guinea were United, for which it would make sense to find... and really we find similar fish in both islands. These are basically fish of the genus Melanotaenia e Hypseleotris, its double dorsal fin tells us that they come from the sea and also probably well tolerated lower temperatures. They are colorful fish, easy to grow and easy to care for. Many of them seem to modify its colour as a result of age, food or sexual activity. Fortunately almost never they fight or among them or with their tank mates. They also tend to devour their eggs or those of other fish. They live very well with a diet of dry food as well as live food. These fish are usually found in whitewater mountain streams and that they need very oxygenated, fresh water. Hot water does not contain enough oxygen for your requirements. They do not live well in poor conditions, so don't be discouraged if you see them colorless in the aquariums of the shops.


Until it was banned in 1965, the Thai people organized fights of fish. They fought until one of them surrendered. They were called Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, scientifically. Males have a huge fins and fight against any male, until one of them runs away. In a small Aquarium , the loser is attacked to death.
Females can suffer attacks if they are not ready to mate when the male is set in them. These can be kept together without any problems, however males should be insulated in the so-called barracks for Bettas.


The Goldfish or Fish Golden, are long-lived and resistant. Non- tropical fish if not what can be called warm water fish. This simply means that they live in cold water. For this reason, if you plan to keep Goldfish in an aquarium, not you need to install a resistance.
The goldfish need a diet rich in plant products for your fiber needs. Excellent scavengers are with such a huge appetite that spend most of their time looking for any bit of food that has gone unnoticed to other fish at the bottom of the tank.

Fish cat

They are so called because they have whiskers. There are thousands of Fish cat in all continents, though many are unsuitable for aquaria because of its very large or guzzlers. Many are very small, as night eyes. All are oviparous. Some lay eggs and they let them hatch, while others incubate them. The aquarist used as scavengers.
Windy catfish eat algae as soon as they appear.

Malawi cichlids

clip_image041Lake Malawi cichlids are fish for beginners. They are very territorial and extremely combative. They come from Lake Malawi, in Africa, and like to live among coral rocks where they occupy small crevices or caves in which raise and care for their families. They are almost exclusively maternal oral incubators. The female stores the eggs and larvae newborn in his mouth until they are as enough older (more or less a month) for defend alone.

Angel fishes

The Angel fish or scalars, are in the lakes and rivers of freshwater in South America. In the ocean, there are also a few fish called Angel, but they are not related to the freshwater Fish Angel . They owe their name to their movement into the water that evokes an Angel floating on water; they are also very peaceful fish with those peers who cannot swallow once.
While they can subsist with dry food, they prefer some foods living such as artemia, daphnia, and tubifex worms. These foods can be found in any specialized trade.


The Danios are fish delicious Aquarium and in absolute conflict. They are very peaceful gregarious fish that are best suited to a long, shallow tank. In fact they may play on a tank with a height of only 10 or 15 cm water. On the other hand, the water should be clean, well aerated, but neither the pH and hardness are important while they are not ends. A caution: the Danios are good jumpers. The tank must be well covered!


The Rasbor are very beautiful and active fish in the far East. Like to live in small groups and if kept alone become very shy. A small school of Rasbor in a well planted tank slightly illuminated by the light of the Sun, will convince any of the authentic beauty of these fish.
The majority of Rasvoras are eaters of eggs. When the female is full of eggs, the male chases her through the plants where she goes by depositing their tiny eggs. Unless the parents are removed from the tank, they devour the eggs at full speed. This is the reason why it is so difficult to see FRY in a community tank. In most communities, always there are couples who are constantly raising, but the same parents and other fish eat the eggs as soon as they see them.


The disk name comes from the scientific name discus discus Heckel. Since its first description 150 years ago, some species have been discovered and additional subspecies (several of them are due to the author of this book). There are many discs that look like each other and every breeder chooses a name for each of its varieties. They are peaceful fish but it is preferable to keep them in a single tank or with a few Fish cat or Cardinal Tetras very peaceful.


Gouramis, Bettas , and Paradise fish are all labyrinth fish, which means that they can breathe air when water is excessively impoverished in oxygen.
Most labyrinth fish build bubble nests. The male forms bubbles on the surface of the water and once eggs are released by the female, they are placed inside the nest of bubbles.

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