The power of the guppies | Pet care.
The power of the guppies
Ways of eating
Each species has evolved to feed in a certain way, and this can be seen in different characteristics. For example, the guppies have a relatively long digestive tract. This tells us that they must consume a certain amount of vegetable matter, which needs a digestion longer than the proteins of animal origin. The mouth of the guppy is directed upwards, which is signal that is fed into the surface and capture their prey alive there. In other words, your diet is mixed vegetables and prey alive. This type of diet is called omnivore, in contrast to the carnivorous (predominantly based on live prey) or the CARP (basically vegetable-based). The young guppies are more carnivorous to omnivorous, they need to quickly increase your body mass and animal proteins are the best way to get it. As they mature, they need more carbohydrates and less protein. These are easier to obtain and constitute its energy source for the daily activity.Power supply we can also deduct the feeding habits of the fish. Carnivores can eat a lot once and then remain inactive until they have metabolized all food. Herbivores need to eat constantly so there is always food flow in your digestive tract. Omnivores are a midpoint between these extremes. Turning this data into practice, we will see that omnivores should be fed three times a day: in the morning, noon and late in the evening (before turning off the lights of the Aquarium). In the event that it be forced to skip any of these three foods, best thing is to dispense with the noon. Of course, if fry will have to grow properly is necessary to feed them even more assiduously.
Types of food
The guppies to food can be given in the form of flakes, pellets, powders or liquids, lyophilized, frozen, fresh or alive.Flakes. They constitute one of the most popular foods, and there are many types, from the composition mainly vegetable to the of high protein content, and from which sink rapidly until that float on the surface to adapt to the customs of the different species of fish. When it comes to feeding with scales should be careful not to Sin excessively, because the remains tend to accumulate at the bottom and may decompose to the detriment of the quality of the water. The best thing is to give little and often.
Pills. They can fall to the bottom or adhere to the inside of the aquarium glass. One of the advantages of placing the food in a particular place is that it obliges the guppies to eat in a particular place, so you can see them more comfortably and is more easy to see if there is any absence - in which case we will quickly investigate the cause-.
Powders. Powdered food through all the Aquarium and are therefore well suited for small fish. As with food in flakes, it is best to avoid the risk of contaminating the water, so it will be better to give them little and often.
Liquids. They are very suitable food for FRY and water circulation is responsible for make them reach to the farthest of the Aquarium, which is where these are often hidden. They consume them quickly and are easy to digest.
Liofilizados. There are many types, and they allow to give the fish a diet rich in proteins (such as tubifex) without running the risk of introducing pathogenic agents. They are very well preserved and get rid to absorb water.
Frozen. They are almost as 'hygiene' as the freeze-dried and preserve all the nutritional value of the food. Allow fish to supply a varied diet and always have food that otherwise would only be found during certain times of the year.
Frescos. We use this term to refer to all the foods that can be found in our kitchen. Therefore, are a ' market' diet that includes vegetables, cheese and other dairy, hard-boiled eggs, crushed lean meat, fruit, cereals, etc. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare all these foods in such a way that they can be consumed by our guppies. Them you become pure and mixed with gelatin to form cubes, or grind them and give them directly to the fish. You can also pass through the Blender until you get a kind of suspension. The fact is that there are many ways to feed the fish with fresh, but should bear in mind that they get much dirty water and will need to quickly remove remaining in the background.
Live foods. In this category include worms of various types and sizes (grindal, white, micro, tubifex, earthworms, etc.), insects, fish, Daphnia and artemia eggs, to name only a few. Some of these foods can give them the fish as is, but others must be cut or crushed. If it seems very unpleasant to do so, you'd better be decide by frozen foods.
If it captures their live food in nature, be careful not to introduce also beings undesirable or pathogens, as well as larvae of insects (dragonflies, ditiscos, etc.) that could potentially attack the fish.
One of the greatest dangers of trying, and especially for beginners, is overfeeding. With the guppies or fish of any other species, it is simply impossible to give them a certain amount of food and trusting that I already then withdraw what you have been able to eat, as it is sometimes done with mammals, birds and other terrestrial animals. The issue is even more complicated by the fact that the excesses of food often seem very small. But these small amounts join and in a closed system, that is what our aquarium, soon cause dramatic effects. They can generate a degree of contamination exceeding the capacity of the plants and filter, so fish (and plants) will soon indict its effect and die.The only remedy is always observed when they eat fish. Give them a small portion of food, and note the time it takes to consume it. You can always give them something more, but remember that the excesses are difficult to remove. Generally, fish must devour all the food in 2-3 minutes. At the beginning it is better to give them little but often. In a mature Aquarium and with an abundance of plants, it is almost impossible that no fish die of hunger, because you will always find small microorganisms that live in the substrate, plants and decorative elements. The best way to be sure to avoid problems with contamination of water consists in frequent changes are partial and frequently check the pH, hardness and nitrites. The guppies are very robust and easy to maintain, but this does not mean that you have to do things in any way.
A balanced diet
The fish are not different from other animals, and if you want to grow properly, preserve its vigor and look more bright colors, it is essential to provide them with a balanced diet. Balanced means that it must contain adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, and in the correct proportions. This balance involves many factors, so it is not always easy to get it. Each Aquarium is a world apart. Even two aquaria in the same room will always be two different miniecosistemas.
To be gaining experience, you can reach this balance based on observations, results and reading specialized texts. At first, just make sure that it gives them food of the most varied possible. You should never assume that commercial foods constitute a balanced diet. Read your labels.
By providing a varied diet much reduced possibilities for the lack of any vital element occur.
Consider the fish as one of the routines of the care of the Aquarium and you will see how the results will make up for all their efforts.