Red fish diseases | Pet care.
Red fish diseases
Their fish had a gorgeous appearance and he has bought them in an accredited store but, suddenly, one or all patients have been. Which error has been committed?The object of this article is not put on the day of all the details of the fish disease in the same way that is not intended to become an expert in red fish today for tomorrow. For this there are already extensive and specialized works. I intend to just that you know you have to fix - it, what are the causes and what you can do about it.
If you are a parent already known of leftovers that you don't need to be a doctor to tell if a child is sick. It is something that is noticed. There is a sixth sense that tells it to us and just look at it to realize that there is something not going well. Over time, you will be able to do the same with your fish. But, for the moment, I am going to give some indications.
Point blank (Ich disease)
It is a disease caused by a Protozoan parasite called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis spread over the whole surface of the fish, including the fins, splashing white point.These parasites may be present in the aquarium in latent form, or it may come with some new fish. Aquariums tend to have many micro-organisms, but the immune system of the fish keeps them safe from them. Safe, until a State of stress (poor quality water, poor nutrition, aggressive classmates, etc.) just by weakening their immune systems and makes them susceptible to getting sick. In this case, will have to stop feeding them and raise the temperature of the water up to 30 ° C for a period of 48 hours. This results in speed up the life cycle of the parasite and kill it. When the points disappear, gradually lower the temperature and resume feeding. It can also be used any of the many prepared commercial that exist against this disease. Thus, also future infection shall be provided.
Remember that the Red fish are cold water fish, so to raise them the temperature your state of stress will increase also. It is important that the amount of salt that we have made mention above has been dissolved in the water. We must also control the fish closely during the two days that the treatment last. They will sometimes rise to appetizer to the surface, but to recover normal temperature will revert to his usual behavior.
The white point can also reach the aquarium with new acquisitions. By choosing the Red fish should pay close attention to their possible symptoms of disease. If you think that something it doesn't look good, trust your instinct. In doubt, don't buy them. A healthy goldfish will have clear eyes, swim with ease and maintain deployed flaps. If the fish seem clumsy or have ulcers on the skin, not go near it. Do not purchase any other fish that is in the same Aquarium. In addition, I recommend that you be wary of any store that intend to sell you fish with obvious symptoms of disease.
Quarantine Aquarium
People tend to be rather skeptical when I recommend you mount a quarantine Aquarium to keep fish in observation before passing them to the community Aquarium.It is likely that many of those who read these lines are beginners who try to bring forward their first fish and who already have enough problems with your first Aquarium to having to think about a second installation. However, it is not a bad idea to do so. I will try to explain it.
A quarantine Aquarium is nothing more than a small Aquarium, without decoration, and with an economic and small interior pocket filter. It can be installed in any inconspicuous place and which will not disturb (basement, garage, wine cellar, etc.). When you buy a new fish it will take you to this Aquarium for about two weeks, until you are certain that it is sound and that there is no risk of that transmit any disease to the community aquarium fish.
Many beginners dispense quarantine Aquarium, but you should go with caution. An only sick fish can bulldoze the community of your aquarium.
Remember this: it is always better to be safe than sorry!
They are parasitic worms external, visible to the naked eye, and that can come with new acquisitions. They are attached to the skin of the fish and, if they are not many, it can be physically removed.It will have to remove the fish from the water and hold it with a thin, wet cloth. Using a pair of tweezers, the worm will pick up by the end that attaches to the fish and will drop you off using a dry heave. To avoid possible infections will have to treat the area affected by the mecromina. For obvious reasons, it should make the intervention as quickly as possible. It is also very helpful to have an Assistant.
In your usual store will advise you about the best way to disinfect Aquarium to remove worms that could be still in the juvenile stage. Nor should we forget to look to other fish.
If you notice that a fish swells up to the end that looks like it is about to explode, it is most likely to suffer from dropsy. Another typical feature of this disease is a bristling of the scales that occurs to the extent that the body looks like a pineapple.Dropsy can be bacterial or viral, being one of the main triggers water quality. It is strongly recommended to move the fish to an aquarium apart (one utility more quarantine Aquarium) and where the water meets the conditions. It is also necessary to carefully analyze the community aquarium water. Equally, you must carefully consider the other fish to check if there is someone else who present the same symptoms.
Other diseases
Most of the diseases originate in poor water conditions, as in the case of the rottenness of fins, fungi, etc.The fish can also be attacked by numerous parasites, such as crustaceans that are attached to the gills or skin, different types of worms, etc. In these cases, it is always best to seek advice from a professional.
Swim bladder conditions
Imagine the following situation: you get a night to House and he finds that its oranda or your favorite ryukin is floating on the surface. Since that is not his usual behavior, you gets to see what what happens and check relieved still lives.All other fish seem swim happy by the Aquarium while that unfortunate floats on the surface. A lunchtime strives to get a snack and then stays in one of the upper corners of the Aquarium. As the days go by, their movements become increasingly awkward. It does not show any external symptoms of their disease, and water analyses show that it is in perfect condition. Then, what is wrong?
A couple of days later, arriving at casa view that their fish is floating belly up in a corner of the Aquarium. To closely observe a surprise is to see that he is still alive. But, what about you?
It is likely to have any condition of the swim bladder. So far we have seen what are the symptoms, but what is the swim bladder and what can we do to cure the fish?
The swim bladder is an organ internal, present in most of the fish, and used them to control their buoyancy. The fish regulates the amount of gas inside, as you want to climb, descend, or remain in neutral buoyancy. It is likely that you have heard that sharks need to be permanently moving to survive. This is because, in part, that they do not have bladders. They need to be always in movement to force that passes water through their gills and for not sinking to the bottom and die.
Red fish of more exotic varieties are more sensitive than common Golden carps due to genetic alterations of their bodies. There are different factors that may affect the gas bladder. These include: sudden changes in temperature, bacterial infections, and genetic alterations. However, the most common cause is an incorrect power.
Most of the fans feed your fish only-based food flakes. In addition, many times buy cheaper food are. After all, this is how they cared for their red fish when they were small and were living the sea for good... or not?
A monotonous and little nutritional diet will always tend to produce intestinal problems, and an intestinal blockage will eventually affect the functionality of the swim bladder. If this were the case, it would be easily solvable. But you must always start at the beginning, and first thing we have to do is to analyze the water to ensure that it is able. If we had not added salt, it will have to do it gradually over a period of twelve hours. Allow the fish to fast for four days. Don't worry! It is always better to have a hungry fish than a dead fish. This will allow the fish cleaned by itself and that the swim bladder again work for you properly. After the fourth day you can start feeding with artemia live or frozen. When that time comes, I hope that you have already learned the lesson well and will provide them to their red fish with a nutritious and balanced diet.
If during this period of time your fish has not experienced any improvement, it most likely is a congenital condition. Unfortunately, these cases do not tend to have no solution and there is no choice but to sacrifice the fish. No way there to pick up the fish and throw it to the toilet, because it is not only a cruel method to get rid of it, but it also its possible disease could spread. A very safe and painless method is to freeze it.
Wrap the unfortunate animal in a piece of wet paper towel, put it in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer. Going is freezing, gradually decrease their metabolism to a comatose state prior to death. If there are young children's through, when the fish is dead can make you a small funeral ceremony. You can make it look a bit cheesy, but I think it is a good way for the youngest House to learn to face death.