How to observe amphibians and reptiles (most appropriate strategies) | Pet care.
How to observe amphibians and reptiles (most appropriate strategies)
However, with a number of good recommendations about times and places appropriate and on strategies for approaching these animals, the amateur will notice immediately a very remarkable and satisfactory increase of observations. For the observation of amphibians and reptiles can be said any inconvenience we can cause their populations tend to be much lower than in the case of birds, since they may lose their brood by a simple approach inadequate. Our main characters, on the other hand, in the same circumstances are esconderÃan quickly in their shelters without greater consequences. This provides the naturalist great peace of mind and ease of action.
The approach to these animals should be with great stealth, unhurried and, above all, avoiding projecting our own shadow on them, more than anything to not ruin the observation. The distance that the animal will leave us approach varies greatly depending on the time of year, time of day and the species, among other factors. Thus, for example, the common frog, large lizards, the snakes and the aquatic turtles usually undertaken flight earlier than other reptiles and amphibians. In exceptional cases, however, some great male lizard can stay planting we face with the open mouth, to defend its territory. Similarly, large snakes and vipers can even attack when they are cornered.
Unlike these elusive reptiles, we can find species slow and cryptic as common and natterjack toads and, above all, the Chameleon, who are surprised by the ease with which are closer.
On the other hand, the exploration of a place should be avoiding making noises and paying attention, because the vast majority of amphibians and reptiles are cryptic and may go unnoticed to a little closer look. Prospecting can be helpful the use of binoculars with short minimum focus distance, to be able to focus as closely as possible - but few increases - which we will effect a systematic sweep of the area.
Very often pass by a stationary animal and to realize their presence when, frightened by an our tread on a dry leaf or a dead branch, this flees to hurry towards their cache. In these cases, the observation is often frustrated because the animal does not give us a second chance. In reverse, it is worth to investigate any cracking or movement in the vegetation, since it is often due to a reptile who flees (amphibians tend to be the quietest).
Implementations and larvae of amphibians tend to be highly visible in ponds, ponds and other appropriate water points, as well as the adult newts in aquatic phase. Some Anurans, as the common frog, are very conspicuous in the water or near it even out out of the breeding period. On the other hand, in this period we can guide us by the songs of males of Anurans, which often are heard far away from the point of emission, although his voice identification is not always easy if you don't have some practice.