Horse farms and stanchion horse? Conditioning of the block | Pet care.


Horse farms and stanchion horse? Conditioning of the block

Contrary to what people usually think, and provided horses have where shelter from wind and rain, they resist perfectly winter and low temperatures. The cold is not a problem for horses: bacteria in the intestine provide them its own central heating system to act with the digested food.

The summer is more problematic

The stress of the heat in the summer is a big problem for horses, as well as blankets that do not allow them to sweat in a natural way. Flies and mites are a threat; wild horses spend much time trying to avoid them.
While we believe protecting our horses from the cold in winter put a blanket or confining, in summer often we don't give them choice to take shelter abroad. Thus, on hot summer days, leave weather to our horses before we go to work, thinking that I wish we could enjoy the Sun, while they do not have any opportunity to protect from heat and pesky insects. Sometimes, if you do cool first thing in the morning, we even give you a blanket, without taking into account that at noon it will be stifling heat.
The horses are trying to take refuge from the heat just at that time. When it's windy or rainy they prefer not be sheltered within the stable, since there may not be alert to possible dangers and, in addition, the roof creaks much.
HP control its temperature through behavior, moving fresh or warm zones according to the time and physiologically, sweating when they have heat or lifting your body hair to maintain body temperature when they are cold. As we cannot know what will be the exact temperature throughout the day, best is to offer them the opportunity to take shelter or not, according to his whim.

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