The Leopard Gecko health | Pet care.

The Leopard Gecko health

Compared to other Herps, Leopard geckos often have very few health problems. Although it is always better to prevent that complain, by what here will explain you some of the problems that can arise with Leopard geckos and the way to solve them.clip_image018

Mouth rot

I've heard of cases of rot of mouth in Leopard geckos, but I never got to see one. Its cause is usually the geco rubs its snout against any abrasive material, resulting in an injury that then degenerates into an infection that spreads to the gums. If it is not treated on time can extend by all the oral cavity of the animal. Its appearance is often unpleasant, and in severe cases appears lot of a yellow and purulent matter accompanied by some blood. If it is on time, this infection responds well to cleaning with peroxide followed by disinfection with "Topionic" or the application of an antibiotic ointment. In severe cases, it may be necessary to take the Gecko to a veterinarian to administer an injectable antibiotic. It is great that this condition is so rare in Leopard geckos. Caregivers of aquatic dragons and iguanas are not so lucky.

Skin infections

If the substrate in the terrarium for Leopard geckos is dirty or too wet may cause the appearance of skin infections of bacterial origin, especially in the ventral region, as it is which is permanently in contact with the ground. These infections are manifested in the form of brown or black spots of varying sizes. Fingers are also very prone to these infections. The infected Gecko must be moved immediately to a provided sterile terrarium only of a source of heat, a hideout and a bowl of water. We will try to the infected area with "Topionic" or an antibiotic ointment with broad-spectrum.

Problems with the change

It sometimes happens that a Leopard Gecko has trouble moving the skin. When I've seen Leopard geckos moving I have checked that they invest 45 to 90 minutes throughout the process and that they manage to get rid of all the old skin to then eat. If your Gecko some pieces of skin remaining attached and hang him for several days, probably due to being too dry. Place the animal in a plastic box with a couple of wet napkins. Don't forget to make some holes in the lid and keep it in a place that can not go cold, as otherwise it may get any infection of the respiratory system. In most cases moisture will cause the Gecko to detach from the remains of skin within 24 hours. Always watch your Geckotoes, as they are very delicate and if they become remains of skin they could become infected.

Mites and ticks

These external parasites are very unpleasant but they can rarely be fatal. But what is certain is that they can transmit various diseases and that if he does not intervene in time they can propagate through all the terrariums of your installation. Formerly these annoying and small Arachnids are removed trying to the terrarium with strips impregnated with insecticide, but currently its sale is prohibited.
Luckily we have an alternative much better. Under multiple brand names we can get sprays from synthetic pyrethrins. Pyrethrin is a natural insecticide substance of vegetable origin, and synthetic pyrethrins seems to be that they are as safe and effective as the natural. Just catch the lizard and spray the product on your body being careful not get him in the eyes or to the nasal openings. We then powder it with clean water to rinse and leave to dry in a warm, dry place before returning it to your terrarium. Normally just an application to end the problem.

Digestive problems

Gastroenteritis (diarrhea) may be very serious. If it is not treated in time can rapidly dehydrate to a Leopard Gecko. If you see something rare in excrement, as watery stool with remains of food undigested, bloody stools or greenish stools, it is that something goes wrong. Affected geckos also tend to stop eating. The problem is that there are different types of bacteria and protozoa that can result in these symptoms. To apply treatments tend to be based on antibiotics that are administered orally, but to know what use should start to know what organizations faced. The best is to take the Gecko (or their droppings) to the vet so he can make a crop that allows you to know the medication to be used. Once again, important thing is to act in time.
As I mentioned earlier, the geckos with food shortages, and especially of lime, they tend to eat lot of sand, and that can cause a bowel obstruction that leads them to death. There are two ways to deal with this problem. The first is to ensure that the Gecko will receive enough food (don't forget to "fatten" the crickets and sprinkle them with a supplement of vitamins and minerals). The second is to use very fine sand (assuming that is the substrate that you have decided to use) because it is more difficult to cause a bowel obstruction.

Internal worms

Tapeworms and nematodes are some of the most common intestinal parasites in reptiles. It is not impossible to find them in the gepos Leopard, but since the majority of the copies that are sold today have been born in captivity, it is quite rare that they have worms. Captured geckos in the wild can take between a few and many worms, but they almost always carry. Geckos born in captivity They can infest by contact with droppings of geckos captured in nature or other lizards. Fortunately for us, most of these parasites need an intermediate host, which tends to be an invertebrate. I.e., that not can move from a reptile to another just like that.
The symptoms of an infestation with worms are very similar to the gastroenteritis caused by bacteria or protozoa: lack of appetite, weight loss and abnormal excrement. And how to distinguish one case from another? In the majority of cases, it is almost impossible. Only occasionally appears some adult worm (or some recognizable piece) between the excrement of animals affected. Usually the feces contain only microscopic eggs, and you have to be an expert to locate them. In other words, you have to take a sample of feces to the vet.
Reptile enthusiasts are beginning to realize that there are some diseases which can only be diagnosed and cured by a veterinarian, and there are also more and more veterinarians who are trained to deal with Herps. If faced with a disease that does not know to treat, best thing is to go to a vet who knows what to do. You have invested much time and many efforts in caring for your Leopard Gecko (or any other herpeto) and is a pity now will it spoil everything putting at risk the life of your pet by a misdiagnosis. In the case of mites, ticks, and external injuries, it is easy to know how to act, but before most of the internal problems the most that is going to get, hopefully, is a rough estimate.

Lack of calcium

In extreme cases of lack of calcium can produce a metabolic bone disease called rickets. It usually appears in juvenile geckos grow very quickly and do not receive sufficient supplements of vitamins and minerals. Softens the jaw and limbs become deformed. What happens is that the Gecko is using the calcium from your bones to your metabolism. The diet is easy to correct, but the deformities may be forever. I don't want to seem exaggerated, but if any of their animals suffer rickets only itself to blame is you for not caring the diet of reptiles as they deserve.


The most common lesion in Leopard geckos is loss of tail. If the animal lives in a tarrario community you must immediately remove it to install it on an individual accommodation. Clean the wound with disinfectant we have recommended above and be sure to not appear symptoms of infection. To the affected Gecko you should feed him in abundance taking care never water missing so you can so soon regenerate the organ that collects its energy reserves.


To maintain a healthy geckos and never need no treatment, simply provide them with a clear and warm terrarium, a nutritious diet with a good complement of vitamins and minerals, and carefully choose a perfectly healthy copies. Here applies rigorously that the popular saying that "prevention is nine-tenths of the cure".

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